
After being hit by Mer SDK unmounting issue caused by system mounts shared by 
default, I've spent several hours to find a better way to mount directories to 
Mer SDK chroot.

The resulting patch to mer-sdk-chroot script is attached to this email.
It can be applied directly to https://github.com/mer-tools/sdk-setup/

The new approach eliminates the need for explicit "mount" and "umount" steps.
All necessary mounts are preformed in private namespace when entering chroot.
When chrooted process ends, its namespace is discarded by the kernel.

As a result, the remaining "enter" and "exec" commands are not needed as well,
because they do essentially the same: running a process with private namespace 
in chroot.

Therefore, the new command line syntax has no action argument and looks like:
  mer-sdk-chroot [options] [command args...]

Best regards,
-- Oleg Girko, http://www.infoserver.ru/~ol/
>From ea8b1d268277da758798382bf392ffb029d02e1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleg Girko <ol+...@infoserver.ru>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 22:45:43 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Make all mounts to be performed in a private namespace.

This makes mount and umount commands unnecessary because all mounts
are done in a private namespace during enter or exec phases.
Also, enter and exec commands are unnecessary as well because
action to be performed can be determined by presence of command name and args.
Hence, no action is needed to be specified;
the new command line syntax looks like this:
mer-sdk-chroot [command args...]

Signed-off-by: Oleg Girko <ol+...@infoserver.ru>
 src/mer-sdk-chroot | 250 +++++++++--------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 210 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mer-sdk-chroot b/src/mer-sdk-chroot
index 0702f2a..bdc4188 100755
--- a/src/mer-sdk-chroot
+++ b/src/mer-sdk-chroot
@@ -9,39 +9,24 @@
     cat <<EOF
-    usage: $0 [-u <user>] [-r <SDK root path>] [enter]
-           $0 [-u <user>] [-r <SDK root path>] exec <command> <args> ..
-           $0 [-u <user>] [-m <all|none|root|home>] [-r <SDK root path>]  mount 
-           $0 [-r <SDK root path>] umount
+    usage: $0 [-u <user>] [-m <all|none|root|home>] [-r <SDK root path>] [<command> <args> ..]
+           $0 -h
        This is the Mer chroot SDK.
        For information see http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Platform_SDK
-       The SDK has 4 commands:
-          enter (default)
-          exec
-          mount
-          umount
-      enter
-         Used to enter the SDK and begin working. The SDK bash shell is a
+      If command is not present,
+         used to enter the SDK and begin working. The SDK bash shell is a
          login shell. See below for .profile handling
          Must be preceded by a 'mount' to setup the SDK.
          May be used in multiple terminals and simply enters the
-      exec
-         Used to execute an arbitrary command from within the SDK chroot
+      If command is present,
+         used to execute an arbitrary command from within the SDK chroot
          environment. The environment variable MERSDK is set to 1 to allow
          SDK detection.
-      mount
-         Used to setup the SDK mountpoints. Only needed once per login
-         session
-      umount
-         Used to clean up the SDK mountpoints before removing the SDK.
        -u  System user to link into SDK (not needed if using sudo)
@@ -49,6 +34,7 @@ usage()
            root, home
        -r The root of the SDK to use - normally derived from the
           pathname of $0
+       -h  Show this help
@@ -83,18 +69,18 @@ if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
     exit 1
+if cmp -s /proc/$PPID/mountinfo /proc/self/mountinfo; then
+    exec unshare -m -- "$0" "$@"
+    echo "$0 must be run in private namespace and unshare failed; exiting"
+    exit 1
 # Use the SUDO value if present
 user=$SUDO_USER || true;
-# Support the action being given as the first non-option arg
-if [ "${1:0:1}" != "-" ]; then
-    action="$1"
-    shift
 while getopts "u:m:r:" opt; do
     case $opt in
 	u ) user=$OPTARG;;
@@ -113,7 +99,7 @@ while getopts "u:m:r:" opt; do
 		    exit 1;;
 	    esac ;;
 	r ) sdkroot=$OPTARG;;
-	\? ) usage
+	h|\? ) usage
             exit 1;;
 	: ) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2
@@ -137,21 +123,9 @@ if [[ ! -f ${sdkroot}/etc/MerSDK ]] ; then
     exit 1
-# We need the SDK to be under a --make-unbindable mount otherwise it
-# appears in other SDKs. We also need $sdkroot *not* to be
-# --make-unbindable since things like mic want to make bind mounts in
-# there.
-# We can't just make .. --make-unbindable since it may be something
-# special (eg if the SDK is installed straight into $HOME or / that
-# would break stuff)
-# Solution - force an intermediate 'sdks' directory for now. We could
-# do this in the .ks for chroot SDKs but that gets messy too.
-sdkparent=$(dirname $sdkroot)
-if [[ $(basename $sdkparent) != "sdks" ]] ; then
-    echo "The SDK must be installed into a directory called sdks"
-    echo "maybe:"
-    echo " mkdir $sdkparent/sdks/"
-    echo " mv $sdkroot $sdkparent/sdks/"
+sdkparent="$(df -P "$sdkroot/" | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}')"
+if [ -z  "$sdkparent" ] ; then
+    echo "Unable to determine mount mouint of filesystem containing \"$sdkroot\""
     exit 1
@@ -180,16 +154,8 @@ mount_bind() {
     mount --bind $1 ${sdkroot}$1
 prepare_mountpoints() {
-    # Ensure the parent is a mountpoint in it's own right so it can be
-    # made unbindable
-    grep $sdkparent /proc/mounts > /dev/null || mount --bind $sdkparent/ $sdkparent/
-    # Setup sdkroot as a bind mountpoint on itself to permit
-    # --make-unbindable
-    mount --make-private $sdkparent      # Permit bind mounts below parent so we can...
-    mount --bind $sdkroot/ $sdkroot/     # ... set the SDK dir as a mountpoint.
-    mount --make-unbindable $sdkparent   # Make the parent unbindable again
-    mount --make-private $sdkroot        # but allow bindmounts within the SDK for mic etc
+    # Make parent mountpoint not shared with parent namespace
+    mount --make-slave "$sdkparent/"
     echo "Mounting system directories..."
     mount_bind /proc
@@ -249,104 +215,6 @@ prepare_etc() {
-# Umount
-err_cleanup() {
-    echo
-    echo 'Something went wrong during cleanup.'
-    echo 'Retrying umounts but manual check is required'
-    echo '- press return to confirm'
-    echo
-    read dummy
-    # Now retry cleanup
-    set +e
-    cleanup
-    echo
-    echo "Error executing umount of $mountpoint"
-    umounterrs="$umounterrs\n$mountpoint"
-try_umount() {
-    mountpoint=$1
-    shift
-    trap "warn_umount" ERR
-    umount "$@" $mountpoint
-    trap - ERR
-cleanup () {
-    if [[ $bind_mount_root == "yes" ]] ; then
-        # Before umouting be sure that we don't have any shared binds 
-        # in parentroot otherwise the host system mounts will be also 
-        # umounted.
-        mount --make-rprivate ${sdkroot}/parentroot
-    fi
-    # We need to detect all mountpoints inside our chroot.
-    mountpoints_r=$(perl -w -ne "print \"\$1\n\" if m\"^\S* ${sdkroot}(/\S*) \";" /proc/mounts | sort -r)
-    echo "Unmounting all directories... ($(echo \"${mountpoints_r}\" | wc -w) found)"
-    # umount in reverse order
-    for mp in ${mountpoints_r}; do
-	try_umount ${sdkroot}$mp/
-    done
-    # umount the self-bind mount we use to apply the --make-unbindable
-    # When this script is run in umount mode the shell has a
-    # filehandle open into the self-mount for it - this results in a
-    # device busy and hence needs a lazy umount
-    try_umount ${sdkroot}/ -l
-    # Report any errors found
-    if [[ $umounterrs ]]; then
-	echo
-	echo "Errors encountered when unmounting the following mountpoints"
-	echo -e $umounterrs
-    fi
-# utility
-ensure_mounted() {
-    if ! grep " $sdkroot " /proc/mounts > /dev/null; then
-	cat <<EOF
-This SDK ( ${sdkroot} ) does not appear to be mounted yet - attempting mount:
-	if $0 mount; then
-	    return
-	else
-	    echo "Mounting failed, not entering SDK"
-	    exit 1;
-	fi
-    fi
-ensure_not_mounted() {
-    if grep " $sdkroot " /proc/mounts > /dev/null; then
-	cat <<EOF
-This SDK ( ${sdkroot} ) is already mounted.
-If you are sure this is not an error and /proc/self/mounts has no mountpoints under it then remove ${sdkroot}/.sdkoptions and try again.
-	exit 1;
-    fi
-stash_mount_options() {
-    cat <<EOF > ${sdkroot}/.sdkoptions
-get_mount_options() {
-    [[ -e ${sdkroot}/.sdkoptions ]] && {
-	source ${sdkroot}/.sdkoptions
-    }
@@ -392,70 +260,32 @@ ensure_active_chroot_list_is_empty() {
-case "$action" in
-    enter | exec )
-        # setarch is used so uname -a will report i386 - this allows
-        # osc to work
-	ensure_mounted
-	get_mount_options
-	setup_user_hooks
-	run_user_hook enter_sdk
-	add_pid_to_active_chroot_list
-	case "$action" in
-	    enter )
-		echo "Entering chroot as $user"
-		setarch i386 chroot ${sdkroot} /bin/su -s /bin/bash -l $user -- -c "exec bash --init-file /mer-bash-setup -i"
-		;;
-	    exec )
-		if [[ ! $1 ]]; then
-		    echo "You must supply a command to exec"
-		    usage
-		    retval=1
-		else
-		    setarch i386 chroot "${sdkroot}" /bin/su -s /bin/bash -l $user -- -c "export MERSDK=1; $*"
-		    retval=$?
-		fi
-		;;
-	esac
-	rm_pid_from_active_chroot_list
-	run_user_hook leave_sdk
-	;;
-    mount )
-	ensure_not_mounted
-	trap "err_cleanup; exit" INT TERM EXIT
-        prepare_mountpoints   # host / and data and /proc and similar
-	prepare_user          # in /etc/passwd
-	setup_user_hooks      # (after prepare so HOMEDIR is known)
-	prepare_etc           # resolv.conf and ssl certs
-	run_user_hook mount_sdk
-	stash_mount_options   # for use when umounting
-	cat <<EOF
-${sdkroot} is now setup with mountpoints to make it easier to use as a Mer SDK.
-	trap - INT TERM EXIT
-	;;
-    umount|unmount )
-	ensure_mounted
-	ensure_active_chroot_list_is_empty
-	get_mount_options
-	rm ${sdkroot}/.sdkoptions
-	setup_user_hooks
-	trap "err_cleanup; exit" INT TERM EXIT
-        # Call cleanup manually - if an error occurs then warn and
-        # retry
-	run_user_hook umount_sdk
-	cleanup
-	trap - INT TERM EXIT
+prepare_mountpoints   # host / and data and /proc and similar
+prepare_user          # in /etc/passwd
+setup_user_hooks      # (after prepare so HOMEDIR is known)
+prepare_etc           # resolv.conf and ssl certs
+run_user_hook mount_sdk
+run_user_hook enter_sdk
+case "$#" in
+    0 )
+	echo "Entering chroot as $user"
+	setarch i386 chroot ${sdkroot} /bin/su -s /bin/bash -l $user -- -c "exec bash --init-file /mer-bash-setup -i"
     * )
-	echo "$action not recognised"
+	if [[ ! $1 ]]; then
+	    echo "You must supply a command to exec"
+	    usage
+	    retval=1
+	else
+	    setarch i386 chroot "${sdkroot}" /bin/su -s /bin/bash -l $user -- -c "export MERSDK=1; $*"
+	    retval=$?
+	fi
+run_user_hook leave_sdk
 exit $retval

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