Hi everyone

As we knew the MeeGo infrastructure is closing down.

The MeeGo OBS is scheduled for shutdown at the end of next week ~ 29 May.

I should have announced this earlier but I've been busy; sorry.

Please ensure you've taken backups of anything you need - once it's gone it
really will be gone!

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at Intel for continuing to
support the MeeGo community for this long with a HUGE special mention to Adam
Gretzinger who has helped look after the infrastructure in an efficient and
reliable way - if you ever have him as a sysadmin for your project then I'm 

Thanks also go of course, to Neils Breet and Islam Amer who have worn MeeGo
sysadmin hats and continue to do so in our new home at the Mer Project.

So with that segue we can look forward to where we've built on the open elements
of MeeGo - and hopefully improved them - in the Mer Project.

See https://wiki.merproject.org/ and http://www.merproject.org/ for more info

If you do (or would like to) build opensource projects against Mer, Nemo or
PlasmaActive - or plan to build for Jolla's SailfishOS
(https://www.sailfishos.org/) - and want to use the Mer Community OBS at
https://build.merproject.org/ you're welcome. Register on our bugzilla
https://bugs.merproject.org/ for an account and talk to us on irc in #mer on
freenode or on the mailing lists.

Due to resource limitations we will only be able to support builds against Mer
based distros (with some special cases for our infrastructure tools like OBS,
BOSS, IMG etc) - but do talk to us if you have any questions.

I'll continue to act as a volunteer sysadmin until the lights go out; it's been
an experience and a pleasure working with the MeeGo community.

David Greaves / lbt

Soon to be ex-MeeGo.com sysadmin but now Mer Co-Founder and Vendor-relations Guy

"Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once..."

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