Another problem has crept in... Applying imageSource no longer works as  
expected. Setting the imagesource of an existing character works  (although the 
field locks up), but you cannot insert a new one  correctly...

on mouseUp
put empty into fld 1
put "1" before fld  1
set the imagesource of char 1 of fld 1 to 1466
end  mouseUp

[1] The field 'locks up'

Restore field access by selecting the field, then choosing browse tool  
again. Now, with an imagesourced char in place...
on mouseUp
put "*" before fld 1
set the imagesource of  char 1 of fld 1 to 1403
end mouseUp

[1] The char is not inserted before fld 1. If the char has an imageSource,  
the char is overwritten.
[2] The previously existing image is removed
[3] The field 'locks  up'
[4] The displayed text does not match the 'text of the field'

The  more I investigate, the more imageSource is broken.
Can anyone else confirm and/or identify a common relationship to these  
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