Jacob Levy wrote:

Thanks for the example -- I'm sure I can construct the equivalent C++
code, and if not I'll look through the tests that I'm sure contain some

Look in examples/. It's all there, C++ and Tcl.

You mentioned that blocked views are advantageous for when you have lots
of small strings. The advantages are better reuse of space and more
compact storage? What other circumstances would benefit from using blocked
views? Is there a (significant) performance penalty using blocked views?

I'm not going to go into this - your best bet is to measure each case yourself. Look in examples - it has sample code, timing tests, scalability tests, etc.

Look also at the link at the bottom of the MK docs page:
I forgot to mention that before. While MK may not have stellar documentation, we should at least try to make good use of what there is... right?

Oh, and look in examples/ in the MK source distribution :)


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