Dear Listees:

Greetings all, and happy Halloween on this day when "the veil between the real world and spirit world is at its narrowest," as one of my kooky crystal friends likes to say : ) Happy birthday to Monroe, North Carolina, "the Halloween Meteorite," 156 years old today and it doesn't look a day over 120. I wonder if the residents of Monroe, N.C. thought the impact was some kind of Halloween prank? Anyway, Tucson is big on parades and weird holidays, so we'll have some fun tonight.

Thanks to all who posted photos and reports of the Munich show. Looks like a great time. I will have to make it out there one year.

In other news: I have two meteorites and one impact glass specimen from my collection on Ebay, which I would like to share with you.

(1) Here's something you don't see every day, a fully-oriented "new" Campo del Cielo, 1,307 grams, dome-shaped and covered in regmaglypts. Currently at about a penny a gram!

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(2) Here's something you *really* don't see every day, an oriented Sikhote-Alin with, not one, but TWO impact pits! What are the odds of it getting hit twice?

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This actual piece is featured in my Gallery of Meteorite Photographs:

And finally, a translucent Libyan Desert Glass specimen, 97 grams with one face covered by those nice "pseudo regmaglypts":

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Don't forget to bid! We need to buy candy and cat food  : )

Best to all,

Geoff N.

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