(Posted for Gregory Randall)

Mike or Ken, Please. one last post.

List members,

Feeling much better after 3 hours sleep. Talking with my wife this morning she feels that we should go to Desag. She's looking for tickets as I'm composing. She talked with a policeman at Desag and he invited us down. I think what I'm going to propose is that we help sell their little booty for whatever the market will pay with the understanding that part of what they make will go to the church. If I can elicit written promises that they will help protect the crater during excavation that will be my fee. I'll make daily progress reports along with pics. My wife was a little hesitant, but reassured her that basically these are good men, and just maybe a little crazy from the smell of money. Hopefully, with the help of the priest we can convince them to be true to themselves and their people.

My impetus now is to get back to the crater and work with the city to extract the main mass, if any. Personally, I have a hard time believing that total meteorite material is less than 10,000 grams. That a 10,000 gram meteorite made such a huge crater. Maybe it all vaporized and then again, maybe not. There could be tons of meteorite material in that crater 'rotting' away.

I have to get these meteorites sold and I already have a few offers to buy my entire lot. Lima is very humid and I know what happened to my other meteorites. They started to oxidize and change color. I want to get these into collections as early as possible. I realized that I can still continue working from the field. I have a laptop, cell phone, and a newly aquired (yesterday) digital camera. I'll take my Nikon too. Anyway, I need to get back. Time is not on our side...

I can take really good quality digital pics and have them posted daily along with fresh travel reports. You can be a part of this expedition and I would encourage it. I'm going to Desag to help and to record everythin. I'm going to go put my bare feet in the crater's water to show that the meteorite causes no ill effects. If you read my post about the dust from the meteorite, you already know that the dust is a very powerful irritant, albiet with no permanent effects.

There has been no response to my met-list only offer, so I'm going ahead and start to sell them on Ebay.

Gotta Run,

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