Hullo Listees
Well, having been in hospital for the past few days, and having the most
profoundly unpleasant procedure performed on me (email me offlist if
interested - I have no pride!!) I have had plenty of time to lie in bed,
woozy on morphine, read some stuff relating to the origin of CAIs and I have
come to the conclusion that I am still confused as to what the current
received knowledge is as to the origin of these bodies.
As far as I can tell they were either blown into the protosolar nebula by a
nearby supernova (what evidence? Radiometric age? and so on) or they were
amongst the first solids to precipitate out of the protoplanetary disk and
were blown outwards from the Sun to the outer reaches of the newly formed
solar system by solar winds.

Any thoughts? Are they measurably older than the matrix and chondrules we

Opiatically yours....
In gentle decay,

IMCA #0092

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for IMCA member contact)

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However, it won't fit into my signature file...."

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