Hello Peter Marmet, Rob Wesel, Martin Altmann
Hello Bob King, Jeff, and List,

Thanks for your responses and the pictures!

Peter's Dho 018 slice shows countless minute metallic specks.
Rob's sold a NWA 1939 that piece had a ~ 3mm metal inclusion.
Bob's Dho 018 is still on its way to him, and Martin's HaH 285
part slice shows a rusty metal speck.

I also have a HaH 285 slice from Siegfried Haberer that shows these
rusty metal areas, so this was not very surprising to me. Peter's slice
shows a random distribution of numerous *very small* metallic FeNi.
My slice, on the other hand, has all the metal concentrated into *one*
solid, triangular speck with shiny, uncorroded metal. As Bob's slice is
from the same seller, I am curious to hear from him as soon as he has
his Dho 018.

As for Jeff's Tatahouine observations, yes, I can confirm - there is a
2-gram piece in my collection from Alain C. that has such rusty specks.

J.A. Barrat mentions rusty stains in the pieces that were collected more
than 50 years after the original finds. They may be secondary minerals.

Martin wrote:

> Madam Vesta seems not to be so differentiated, as supposed

Maybe the metallic parts represent chondritic or metallic impactor material.

Jeff wrote:

> Martin mentioned Bilanga having some metal ...

Bilanga: A Unique Diogenite (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII (2002) 1338.pdf)

In the above paper the authors mention just that: "Phases
present include ... and very minor FeNi metal. 

Best wishes,


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