Dear List Members,

I promised an update on the Giant Meteorite hunt in Northern Nevada last June. I took thousands of images so it was hard to pick out just a few. Most new Team LunarRock members did not want their images posted to the internet so many great shots had to be left out. This was a 1,700 plus mile endeavor with much of it off road. Although the only meteorite we saw was in Gold Field, Nevada in an antique shop, we did find some treasure. We also picked up many leads on "Curious Steel Rocks" that were setting off metal detectors at the end of commercial mining sluice boxes. We will follow up on these leads hopefully in September and make another attempt at reaching the "Giant Meteorite."

We made it to within 1.3 miles of the suspected "Giant Meteorite" and were chased off by a funnel cloud, lightning and hail.

Funnel cloud that chased us away from giant meteorite:

1860s field house where sough shelter from an intense storm:

My wife, Zann and I acquired two more ranches at a Pershing County Cash Land Auction and got to meet one of our neighbors for the first time while attempting to get to our gold-bearing Humboldt River property. He was concerned about how the property was going to be used. He was happy to hear that we were repurposing the ranch for recreational and gold hunting purposes and there would be no problem with our cattle mixing with his since we have none. It is best to get along with ranchers since they have a wealth of knowledge. He provided invaluable information on how to get onto the defunct California Trail which leads through our property. It was also noted that a large pond on our ranch was used as a stop-over oasis by immigrants using the California Wagon Trail.

Image of argument with rancher:

Image of California Trail. It was difficult following the old wagon train tracks which did not match the width of my Jeep tires so we bobbled in and out of them.

Trail obstacle, boiling mud:

Predator that gave up the ghost from toxic fumes near boiling mud pit:

One list member mentioned it was good to knock down PVC pipes since they kill birds. It looks like some environmentalist took it upon themselves to knock down every claim marker for several square miles near the famous, Poker Brown gold mine in Rye Patch, Nevada. I would not advise doing this as you are likely to get shot since prospectors carry a $10,000.00 MineLab metal detector on one side of their horse and a high-powered carbine rifle on the other. It would be better to shove a rock in the end of the pipes to block birds from flying into them.

We are excited to return to Rye Patch since we acquired some private acreage in the middle of one of the world's best gold placer hunting spots. We are only a few thousand feet from the famous Poker Brown mine so we can hardly wait to have this pristine property assessed this September.

Knocked down claim markers:

Abandoned mine shaft:

Explosives shack:

Rye Patch Gold:





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