Hi Paul - 

1.  What or who got you interested in meteorites and how old were
you when you got your first meteorite?

Impacts got me interested in meteorites. I was trying to see if anyone had any 
fragments from the Joshua impact event.

 2.  What was your first meteorite?

Slices I bought from Ann Black at Tucson. I had gotten snowed in on my return 
from the American Institute of Archaeology annual meeting in San Diego, so I 
ended up at Tucson.

 3.  Do you still have it?

Yes - I use them for education purposes for young people giving my "Rocks from 
Space" show, along with my other specimens from the Tucson show.

 4.   Do you have special areas of interest that you focus on in regards to 
meteorites (thin sections, photography, chemistry, age dating..  etc)?

All of the above. From formation to distribution to tektites and shock 

5.   Does your Family share in your interest in meteorites?


6.   Do you have any special approaches to collecting? (Type collection, only 
stones, only irons, only by aesthetics, etc. or any and all that you like.)

Artifacts and impactites

 7.   Do you mind saying how many locations your collection represents?

Global now.

 8. Is your collection displayed or kept in a dry box or both?

I keep part with me for the "Rocks from Space" show. Carry them around in an 
Ojibwe leather bag 

9.   In what ways do you use your computer for meteorites. (met-list, Social 
Media, meteorite research, shopping, etc)

Follow the news via the meteorite list.

10.  Do you ever hunt for meteorites?

Ahem. cough cough.
They seem to find their way to me...

11.  What is your favorite meteorite in your collection?

This is a tough one. You have the artifacts made from meteorites, and the 

I like the Allende, but the little piece of the Moon thrills the young people.
Have you ever seen how big their eyes get?

12.   What is your favorite overall if it is not the one above?

13.  What makes these of special interest?

Calcium aluminum inclusions. 
My little piece of the Moon is right up there with the fossilized dinosaur poop 
in terms of "crowd" reaction.

14.  What meteorites are currently on your wish list?

A very small slice of Brenham for my "Rocks From Space" talk.
Just enough to see the olivine and iron. 

 15.  What methods have been most successful in building your collection? 
(Buying at shows, from dealers by mail, auctions on the web,   trading... etc)

Trades and gifts. 

For example, I have a nice Meteor Crater, which is not a Canyon Diablo.

 16.   Which Shows do you attend?

Powwows, but I really would like to get back to Tucson again.

 17.  Do you also collect related materials like impact glasses, breccias, 
melts, tektites, shocked fossils, native iron rocks etc?


18.   Do you prepare any of your own specimens? (cut, polish, etch, etc.)


19.     Have you had to take any special measures to protect them from the 

I pack them as well as I can, but they have to be used for the purposes I 
mentioned earlier.

The copy of Nininger's pamphlet that Bob Haag lined me up with stays on my desk.

PS - I am sorry that Adreas did not like my book. I would have given him money, 
but he had destroyed his copy. My lesson from this is that my book is best for 
native English speakers. PS2 - It is now widely acknowledged that Homo 
Heidelbergensis was indeed the first hominid our of Africa.

good hunting, everyone,


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