Now to the show:

I haven’t been yet to Ensisheim, but beside that show, Munich was always the largest (sorry Rainer) and most important event for meteorites in Europe.

Where shall I start – if someone is missing on the list: Don’t be angry, it’s just a syptom of my weak brain, raise your hand and scream: I will be there too!


Which dealers from the famous dealer’s list I remmeber to have seen last year?


Let’s start with Fectay&Bidaut (for not getting angry mails) – they always exhibit an impressive variety of the rarest types, you may imagine, planetary material as well as marvellous oriented stones. Some larger pieces of historic falls too.

From France too, you’ll find Grandseigneur Carion, cool impact breccias, Wabar pearls, cheap bags of Gao and Tatahouine. Each year he fills a permanent display case of the normal show program with museum pieces of his collection.

The Labennes will be there with their lunaites and fresh crusted unclassified desert goodies – last year they were looking somewhat disappointed.

A great fun and a real highlight each year is Erich Haiderer’s wonderfull chaotic stall, where you will find hidden under grab boxes with ordinnairy desert chondrites and the most common irons fine achondrites. He’s the only dealer with best-price-guarantee.

The Karls and Vassiliev will share a table: I remember fantastic, translucent Imilac slices, large slices of the classical Shergottites and Dag 400 and I hope they will bring this year all the superrare historic falls, which they are selling on ebay during the last months.

Of similary quality will be the assortment of Mr.Pittmann (not on the dealer’s list), last year he showed me a palm sized Mars – next to him, you’ll find (if the other dealers won’t beat him up, because of his recent ebay hazards) Comet-Shop Afanasjev: Many different Dho-treasures: lunaites, nice inexpensive impact melt breccias, Chinga, Brahin – last year he had a chunk of the latter, which showed Widmannstätter patterns..

Good for some bargains is “From Stone age to Space age”, small assortement of african meteorites, last year he offered two low-tkw-falls at an incredible low price.

“Abraxas”-Stehlin from Switzerland I have to mention. Many historical meteorites in an astonishing fresh quality, rare desert types too.  Here a special hint from me: Try to find Mrs.Kammel from “Rocksonfire” – there I made my best deals last year!

Let’s go further through the list… There were some people from St.Petersburg, but I’m not sure if it was Pilipiuk from the list, who sold Sikhotes in all sizes and had also two large individuals of, I guess, at least 30kg each. Anyway, Sikhote in all shapes was by far the most predominant locality, at least five different dealers I found offering only Sikhote. Mostly in large boxes, totally unsearched, so that it is always a real excitement to pick out the most oriented specimens with flow lines and you’ll be always able to find such pieces (starting around approx. 0,5Euro/g, for the case, that you take only a few), which sell on ebay at high prices as so called “killer oriented”. And here another hint: Take a little lighter fluid or acetone and some handkerchiefs with you. All Russians like to oil their Sikhotes with a black, ropy grease, so that you can’t see whether they still have the bluish fusion crust or whether they are tumbled or overcleaned (85%). Also the finest flow lines are not visible under this russian lard. The names of the Sikhote sellers I can’t remember so well. Bulgak and Skorniakov comes in my mind. Because the fees for the table in Munich are so incredible high, many smaller meteorite specialists occupy a corner of the tables of friendly mineral dealer, thus you won’t find them on the exhibitors database. Like this, I heard, Cimala Polandmet from the dealers list will join the show.

“Direct Line Resources” was there, I didn’t visit, because once I got a cry for help from a desperate man, who bought there a gold plated Gibeon “weddind band”, the gold was getting loose and was breaking of. They never answered to his emails, nor to mine.

“Excalibur” I could read on a table with only a small number of meteorites, but I don’t know, if those were the Excaliburs from the list and in former times I bought some rarer US-localities at low prices, which had Minresco-Cisnero labels, - I’m not sure, if they were there last year. List complete or Dean Bessey?

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