Adam Hupe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Dear List Members,
>You are going to think we are insane 
>announcing this but we feel it is =

I have two reactions.

1. These objects shouldn't be dismissed out 
of hand. Regardless of how it turns out the 
proper and important thing to do is for these
objects to be investigated. Until that
is done, it is impossible to accurately judge
their importance. You did nothing insane.  
Rather, you behaved in a way that anybody 
studying anything should behave. You have a 
wonderful and delightful sense of curiosity 
that should be commended.

2. People should go back to the rooms that 
had meteorites hit them and vacuum their 
floors with a dust buster with a new bag on 
it. By doing that, a person might find more 
of these objects.

The next time a house get hits by a meteorite,
the meteorite collectors should have a dust 
buster along with them.  In addition to 
collecting the meteorite and object(s) hit by
it, they should also vacuum the floor of the 
room and surface of desks, etc. and look through
the dust collected. If done, they might find 
some interesting stuff.


Baton Rouge, LA 

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