Hello List,
Sorry for the double post, I'm having trouble with my post

Being a dealer of meteorites means being able to buy and sell. That's the
definition of dealer in the dictionary. It's a person
that buy and sells. The reason I decided to be a dealer in meteorites was
the chance to build a collection as a collector. All dealers have a meteorite
collection,  just ask.

... So why would anyone want a collection of meteorites?

To hold in your hand a piece of the solar system, a rock from space older
than the earth itself, this is whats so intriguing about collecting
meteorites. Tumbling through space from places unknown, these stones
survived a violent passage through the atmosphere to crash land on earth.
For many millions, even billions of years they have been floating in space
in total darkness, at zero gravity conditions, and at extremely cold
temperatures and now after all that, it has come to rest in my hand.
(now thats cool !)

Like most collectors of anything, if they get a chance to buy 10 at a big
discount , so they can sell 9 of them at a profit to pay for 1
that will go into their collection they will do it. On an average I get 4
phone calls a month with someone telling me they have a meteorite.

And the story goes like this, My grand father found it on his farm, it
responds to a magnet. I read about meteorites on the internet
it looks like a meteorite on your web site, its brown and I can see crystals
in it. So, my first answer to this is, please send me a picture.

The other type of call I get is something like this, I have a meteorite that
belonged to my father who has died a few months ago and he collected all
kinds of rocks.He was a rock hound and he had a meteorite in his collection,
I have it for sale. My answer to this is, please send me a picture.

So what happens when you get the picture and it does look like a meteorite?

I have bought meteorites from all over the World like this, thats why I put
up a meteorite web site in the spring of 1997, it was for the chance of
finding a newly discovered meteorite. My web site was the fourth meteorite web
site on the internet in 1997, sure I didn't know a lot about meteorites at
the time, but I sure did want to mingle with those that did and that was 15 years ago.

Ya, meteorites are cool! So send me your picture
You may never know what surprise may be in store

Midwest Meteorites - http://www.meteorman.org
              Live the end now, life is short

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