Tatahouine Delight - Priced at a Song!

Dear Listees,

http://www.diogenite.com/t1.htm (Musical version honors Tatooine Planet in
Star Wars)
http://www.diogenite.com/t1ns.htm (Sound-free version - so you could hear a
pin drop)

I've got some really superb deals on Tatahouine diogenite meteorites this
second and final time around this week.  The sale expires in a day and a
half and all specimens should be sent on Wednesday from the USA!

Sorry the monster specimens are no longer available but some quite big and
attractive pieces have been added along with some hefty babies under 15
grams - a whole category of small fry for this sale!

No one ever said,
"Most Tatahouine's are under 1 gram each" =  you must buy micros".  And I
prove that with some sweet deals on the lower range.

When saying "small", I still want there to be some structure to hold there.
As you scroll down to the bottom of the offering, all the new specimens will
be near the bottom including one for slightly above $100 with a great planar
face (practically flat enough to be cut) that appears to have a little nice
dab of that elusive fusion crust just below.  The smaller the pieces,
generally, the lower the cost per gram and these are real bargains and nice.
Thanks kindly for buying or browsing.

And if you want the itsy bitsy ones - I have the right price on them too
(see link and go to the bottom of the page).

Best Health, and Thanks kindly for your time and I hope you enjoy looking at
the specimens as much as I do.

Green Star Meteorites - Verda Stelo Meteoritoj
http://www.diogenite.com/t1.htm (Star Wars version)
http://www.diogenite.com/t1ns.htm (Sound-free version)

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