Hi to those of you looking for Texas meteorites:

Anyone interested in writing a short article about the fall for the May
issue of Meteorite?

Does not need to be long, but should have a few photos.

Anyone? Anyone?

If you have never written anything before, do not worry. Nancy and I are
good editors. Please contact us off line. We are close to our deadline,
but short articles of interest can come in late as long as we know they
are coming.



On Thu, February 19, 2009 1:38 pm, bill kies wrote:

> http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/021909d
> ntexmeteor.3c40815.html
> http://www.wacotrib.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/communities/breaki
> ngnews/entries/2009/02/18/meteorite_hunters_searching_ne.html
> http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/tx/6270243.html
> Sheriff’s Office chief pilot Stu Royle flew a path from West, Leroy,
> Axtell, Riesel to Mart for about two hours after calls started coming in,
> Chief Deputy Randy Plemons said.
> They found the two walnut-sized meteorites off a road in West, a town
> about 70 miles south of Dallas. West, Texas. It's a small city south of
> Dallas that is named West.
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