Here are more information on the Tunguska discoveries. Without proven datas and facts, 
I let you think what you want of this strange history. (for me it's a fake).

Pierre-Marie PELE

AFP source
Russian researchers started again the debate on the mysterious cataclysm of Toungouska 
which has occurred in 1908 in Siberia, affirming to have found on the spot of the 
catastrophe of the stones supposed to be remains of an extraterrestrial vessel which 
would have been struck by a comet.  

June 30, 1908, an enormous flash crossed the sky above Siberia, follow-up of a 
powerful explosion equivalent to that of a thousand of atomic bombs which devastated 
taïga on hundreds of kilometers in the basin of the river Podkamennaïa Toungouska 
(area of Krasnoïarsk).  

The inhabitants of the Siberian villages felt like an earthquake:  men and animals 
collapsed, hustled by the shock wave, the windows of their izbas broke.  

Like one did not find remains of meteorite on the spot, the scientists concluded that 
it was about the explosion of a comet core or an asteroid.  

Engineer Iouri Lavbine devoted 12 years of his life to research of the traces of the 
"meteorite of Toungouska" and thinks of having thrown the light on one of the greatest 
mysteries of the XXe century, in spite of the skepticism of the scientific circles.  

Mr. Lavbine chairs the foundation "Phenomenon space of Toungouska" Krasnoïarsk, about 
fifteen enthusiastic -- geologists, chemists, physicists, mineralogists -- who 
organize regularly since 1994 of forwardings on the spot of the catastrophe.  

According to the assumption of Mr. Lavbine, a mysterious comet and machine flying 
entered in collision at an altitude of 10 kilometers, causing cataclysm.  

Mr. Lavbine and his team affirm to have found during a forwarding at the end of July 
on banks of Podkamennaïa Toungouska, between the villages of Baïkit and Poligous, two 
strange black stones, in form of regular cubes, 1,5 meter on side.  

These stones "which are obviously not natural origin" seem to have left the flames and 
"their matter points out an alloy used for the construction of the space launchers, 
whereas at the beginning of the XXe century it had only plywood planes there!",  
exclaim Mr. Lavbine.  

The researcher estimates that they could be the remainders of a machine even stealing 
an extraterrestrial vessel.  He however recognizes that the examination of the stones 
did not start yet.  Another discovery made by Mr. Lavbine:  an enormous white stone, 
"size of a izba", inserted in the top of a rock, right in the middle of devastated 
taïga.  "the natives called it The Deer Stone. It is composed of a crystallized matter 
which is not typical for this area ", entrusts the researcher, supposing that it is 
about a fragment of the core of comet of 1908.  

The importance of these discoveries is questioned by official science.  "There are 
many amateurs who organize forwardings on the spot of the cataclysm of Toungouska.  In 
Siberia where work regularly of the oil geologists, one can find a mass of unspecified 
fragments of machines ", affirms with irony Anna Skripnik, a person in charge for the 
Committee on the meteorites of the Academy of Science.  

But Mr. Lavbine is not discouraged by the comments skeptics.  Among the "evidence" 
advanced by the engineer, of the photographs of the area made by satellite.  

According to Mr. Lavbine, one sees there the "prints" of the flying machine -- marshes 
and lakes with the lengthened forms -- and those of comet:  devastated forest, damaged 
trees flarings and rocks.  

And on the supposed spot of their collision, one can observe a crater of a diameter of 
500 meters, raises it.

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! 

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