Hi and good morning list.A question has been going thru my mind for awhile
concerning the CAMPO SILICATE piece's.We know of the old campo irons and
thier history of rotting away.Now we have the campo strewnfield away from
the ocean where these beautys do not fall apart at the merest touch,but
are quite nice to own and look at.But where did these campo silicate's
come from.They say there is not to much of these to get around.Are they a
by-product of the fall?Where they mixed in with the new ones and somehow
changed during entry?I would like to know this before I get a piece.This
is very fascinating to me and would like to know more as how these changed
to a silication form.Any thoughts please??


Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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