
Let me reflect on Bill's comments regarding the state of museums and
non-profits right now...having served as an Executive Director/CEO and a
couple of weeks before retiring as the Foundation President of the same

It has been a very tough period for many of the nation's non-profits, except
those who have solid endowments and/or maintained good attendances. Many
museums, including ours, noted a drastic fall off in attendance post 9-11.
Following this was a drastic reduction in funding levels from government,
donors, and foundations. Many facilities are struggling just to keep the
doors open and survive the current economic downturn.

The horrific facts include that we will probably lose a number of
community-oriented non-profits, some of which cater to the sciences. And we
will lose outstanding non-profit and museum staffers who have either been
"downsized" or decided enough is enough. So the non-profit field is
following in the footsteps of America's private sector: downsizing,
closures, bankruptcy.

I have decided, for this and primarily personal family reasons, to "take my
leave" and return to the university world. I will eventually be moving into
an earth sciences professorship, where my research focus will be cratering
and meteoritics! And maybe--just maybe--a few more books to
write...including an article for Meteorite! on our meteorite exhibition.

Keep Looking Up,


Mike D. Reynolds, Ph.D.
Foundation President
Chabot Space & Science Center

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