Dear List;
I realize that private land meteorite hunting is an interesting bird and 
contracts between the land owner and the hunter are a must before any 
meteorites are found.  Verbal is garbage when $$$ or even $$$,$$$ are 
involved.   I do realize that specific contractual issues are 
propriety.   I can go to a lawyer and get one drawn up but would like to 
draw from any experience/presidence proven so I do not interfere with 
someone else's parade.
Would anyone have a basic legal word document they would be willing to 
share with me, or is this an appropriate topic for a list 
Trespass fee, plus percentage of the find, reclamation bonds, livestock 
and crop destruction compensation, lot of issues, anyone care to chime in?
 My experience for the most part has been public lands hunting and I am 
well versed on that one.
Hunting season is almost here, any help would be appreciated.  Exact 
numbers are not expected but a generic form if available would be 
wonderfully appreciated and a good chance of possible favor repayment  
at a future date.
Dave F.
Rock Springs, Wyoming
Meteorite-list mailing list

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