Dear Rafael,

Perhaps it's o.k. with you if someone steals a meteorite, but it
isn't with me. Being in the business for 30 years and a close friend
of Blaine Reed and seeing on video how people work, I think my
assessment is just fine and I'll make a judgement call if I so desire.

Seems to me that maybe you have guilty feelings about something. If
anything I'd say you are a much bigger crybaby than me. So why don't
you keep your crying to yourself!

--AL Mitterling
 Mitterling Meteorites

 Quoting Rafael Navarro <>:

Stop being a crybaby.
You say well: "It looks like to me ..." because that photo does not prove
anything, you can get a sued for defamation.
If you want I send you the $ 2 USD, which costs that meteorite, but stops
be crying.



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