Dear All,
I would like to build mico 2312 with Visual Studio 2005 in debug mode. Therfore 
I commented out the line RELEASE_BUILD in the makefileconfig and used the nmake 
/f Makefile.win32 command to build the debug mico library. When I link my 
application with the mico2312.dll the application chrashes with a runtime error 
that the wrong C runtime library is used.  I saw with the dependency walker 
that my application uses the msvcr80d.dll and the mico2312.dll uses the 
msvcr80.dll. And I think that is the problem. My question is now, how can I 
change the building process to link the mico2312.dll with the correct C runtime 
library. I am not so familiar with make file so I would be very thankfull if 
somebody would help me with this problem. Thanks for your help in advance and 
best regards 

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