Hi everyone,

I seem to recall promising an eMail whenever a new release
of mksh is out. Et voilà, enjoy “doch!”:


I’ve uploaded it to The MirPorts Framework, the OpenSuSE
Buildservice and Debian unstable already. I guess raring
people are one day too late :þ

Please, pretty please with strawberry on top, double-check
the results of this mksh release. I’ve not tried all 2⁶⁴
possible inputs for all of the new operations (or all of
the old ones, or double that set by including lksh, and
on LP64 systems). While I’m, by now, fairly certain that
mksh R45 calculates correctly, in both signed and unsigned
operations, and sometimes even more so than previous versions,
and that lksh is still doing… as well as it’s designed to…,
humans can make mistakes.

R44 is the new stable series, everything else is now obsolete.
I’ve not opened a branch for it yet, as I hope that HEAD will
work out well and have nothing urgent queued.

<mirabilos>    │ untested
<Natureshadow> │ tut natürlich
<Natureshadow> │ was auch sonst ...
<mirabilos>    │ fijn ☺

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