oneofthem dixit:

>If you shouldn't use signed ints, then how do store negative numbers?

Basically, if you have something negative, you store it
either in a signed int, or in a typedef union {
        mksh_ari_t i;
        mksh_uari_t u;
} mksh_ari_u;

(where ari_t and uari_t are the signed and unsigned ints,
respectively), and do all arithmetics on it by using the
unsigned access, and do comparisons (other than == and !=)
and printing using the signed access.

This is legal in POSIX, and in C as long as the system uses
two’s complement. I was told that people arguing against this
have yet failed to show a workable C implementation on a system
not using two’s complement, so… fine.

13:37⎜«Natureshadow» Deep inside, I hate mirabilos. I mean, he's a good
guy. But he's always right! In every fsckin' situation, he's right. Even
with his deeply perverted taste in software and borked ambition towards
broken OSes - in the end, he's damn right about it :(! […] works in mksh

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