Lines in the Sand (

Reply [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-31, 1:03PM PDT

Rush Limbaugh, Ken Blackwell and the National Rifle Association all agree - 
Obama's Supreme Court nominee is a declaration of WAR on the gun owners of 
America. This is the most egregious attack on our liberties yet. And it must be 

Please relay this email on to all of your contacts, as we have. Everyone must 
participate in this fight. 

Contact information for Ohio's two U.S. Senators is at . A personal visit to their office is the 
most powerful statement you can make. The second most influential contact is a 
personal "snail mail" letter (but you need to get it out quick!). The third 
most effective is a telephone call. Emails and faxes are also effective. Use 
one, then another, then another until we are assured by both Ohio's Senators 
that Obama's choice of the anti-gun nominee is "Dead On Arrival". 

Absolutely do not allow her to become a member of the Supreme Court so that she 
can uphold her own appealed ruling denying your rights to own a gun. 

Following is further information about this issue: 

MY Reply to all of this follows: 

I went on the Internet and searched for everything I could find on the 
social and political climate in countries immediately before revolution. We 
appear to be there. Government debt and attempts to disarm citizens are the 
leading causes. As governments coffers go dry, taxes are raised. As taxes are 
raised, citizens make it known to those that govern that they are not happy. 
When government begins to fear the wrath of the people they begin to fear for 
their own lives. Government believes they have no choice but to disarm the 
people for their own protection and survival. History has proven that this 
situation always causes revolution. 
I don’t know of any remedy for this. We are writing and calling and faxing our 
leaders to tell them of our discontent. We are having Tea Parties all over the 
country. We are still being ignored. None of the issues of the people are being 
addressed by government. Their answer is to do a study on Americans and decide 
anyone who does not agree with government policies is a terrorist and a danger 
to government. Actually, it’s the other way around. Renegade government that 
treats citizens as if they were owned and can be compelled to do everything 
government mandates is an insult to people who have been educated to believe 
they live in a free country with government instituted by the people to serve 
them. The attempt to disarm the people will fail. It is the most irresponsible 
action government can attempt. 

If government is so ignorant as to avoid what history has taught, they are 
doomed to repeat it. Americans will never surrender the one mechanism they have 
to remain free. They will fight to the death to stay armed. It’s nothing short 
of folly for this government to think Americans will be willing to surrender 
their guns because a treaty with a foreign power was signed, or the majority of 
politicians are personally against firearm ownership and therefore Americans 
must be disarmed. 

Consider this as notice. We don’t care what Washington D.C. says. We don’t care 
what the courts say. We don’t care what the U.N. wants. We will replace 
government before we surrender our guns. 

Mr.and Mrs. Politician, read the Original Organic Constitution for the United 
States of America. The one that stood for the Republic, not the one you use 
that stands for your converted corrupt Democracy. The Republic belongs to the 
people. We will not lose freedom through edicts under your emergency rule. You 
can have your created democracy. You can function under your own fraud. Just 
don’t expect us to obey. We have been good and honorable citizens and continued 
to serve the Republic even as you were dismantling it. The Organic Constitution 
may be ignored by you, but to us, the people, it is alive and intact. We will 
not accept corruption of the Bill of Rights. If you attempt to make them null 
and void under color of law you do so at your own peril. The people have spoken 
and we are resolute. There is no compromise. 

The people have been lied to, abused, made bankrupt, all their property and 
labor taken for use by you, an irresponsible criminal government. We are no 
longer stupid. We now know the truth of what has been done. Knowing this we 
have not come for you. 

We are telling you now…… 

End the corruption. Rescind Emergency Rule. Give the Republic back to the 
people. We are involved in an imperfect war declared by you against us. A 
declaration of war by government against its own citizens is TREASON. 

Any attempt to disarm us will signal us to make your imperfect war against us 
perfect. The people have drawn their line in the sand. You have been placed on 
notice. Ignore this at your own peril. 

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"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to 
take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic 
purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and 
sacrifice for that freedom." - John F. Kennedy

"Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the
arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage
of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world
do not have." - Ronald Reagan

"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of 
justice is no virtue." - Barry Goldwater


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