2 Timothy 4:3-4 ..the time will come when men will not put up with sound
doctrine.  Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them
a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to here.
They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.




From: missourilibertycoalition@googlegroups.com
[mailto:missourilibertycoalition@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of CathyM
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 12:05 PM
To: missourilibertycoalition@googlegroups.com


>From a Friend who is not Mormon.


-------Original Message-------


Date: 10/17/2011 9:06:56 AM









By Attorney Jonathan Emord

Author of


Rise of Tyranny" and


Censorship of Health Information"

October 17, 2011





The charge by Robert Jeffress, the Senior Pastor

of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, that Mitt

Romney is "not a Christian;" that "Mormonism is

not Christianity;" and that Mormonism is

"considered a cult" is indicative of a degree of

intolerance antithetical to the free exercise

clause of the First Amendment and, moreover, an opinion born of ignorance.



Mormonism is indeed a Christian faith: Are not

all who proclaim Jesus Christ to be their Savior

and who adhere to his teachings appropriately

called Christian? The term Mormon is ascribed to

those who are members of the Church of Jesus

Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Church of Jesus

Christ considers: (1) Jesus Christ the head of

the church and teaches its members that Jesus is

the messiah, the only begotten son of God; (2)

that Christ is the prophesied messiah of the Old

Testament (Jehovah) and created the earth at the

direction of Heavenly Father; (3) that Christ was

the only perfect, truly sinless human to live

upon the earth; (4) that Christ made an ultimate

sacrifice for mankind, atoning for the sins of

the world through his suffering at Gethsemane and

his crucifixion on Calvary Hill, making it

possible for man, a sinner, to return to God free

of spot through the intercession of Christ; (5)

that Christ suffered, died, and was resurrected

from the dead; (6) that he reigns in Heaven at

the right hand of Heavenly Father; (7) that

Christ will return to earth in a second coming at

which time there will be a final battle between

Satan and his minions and Christ and the saints,

the dead will be resurrected, Christ will have a

millennial reign, all will be judged, and there

will be a final establishment of Heavenly order;

(8) that the teachings of Christ are paramount;

and (9) that true prophecy can be discerned to be

such only if it is in complete conformity with

the teachings of Christ. There is in this faith

nothing but Christianity, all consecrated to and

in fulfillment of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

It is for this reason that the Mormon church is

officially named the Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter-Day Saints. While other Christian faiths

have doctrinal differences with the Church of

Jesus Christ, it is beyond peradventure of doubt

that the members of that church are Christians

and that Mormonism is Christianity.



The members of the Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter Day Saints include in addition to the Old

and New Testaments, the Book of Mormon, which is

by title and content another testament of Christ,

complementary to and not in derogation of the Old

and New Testaments. To declare people who hold

Christ and his doctrines the essence of their

religion to be non-Christian renders the term

Christian nonsensical or, perhaps, schizophrenic

(meaning that only some who believe in Christ may

be designated Christians rather than all who do).

The Church of Jesus Christ also believes

fundamentally in free agency: in the right and

power of each person to exercise freedom of

choice, albeit recognizing that choices in

violation of the commandments and teachings of

Christ will be addressed on Judgment Day. That

commitment to free agency as a part of God's plan

ensures that Mormons are not members of a cult,

if by cult one means mind control by religious

leaders. There is in the Church of Jesus Christ

no theocracy, no presumption of the church as

having jurisdiction or power over the functioning

of civil governmental authority.



I think it prudent for intelligent people to

reject the pronouncements made by Pastor

Jeffress. We should recognize, as the nation

largely did over five decades ago, that such

commentary endeavors to divide people based on

religious intolerance and would, if followed,

lead to a destruction of that comity and respect

for others' religions that is inextricably a part

of our First Amendment. We are free in no small

measure because we are free to choose the

religion of our preference and to practice that

religion according to its dictates, so long as we

do not violate the equal rights of others.



On September 12, 1960, Senator John F. Kennedy,

then running for President of the United States,

confronted similarly ignorant and bigoted comment

in a speech he delivered to the Greater Houston

Ministerial Association at the Rice Hotel in

Houston, Texas. Critics mused that Kennedy would

be a servant of the Vatican if elected and that

the Pope would effectively run America. With

characteristic wit and intelligence, Kennedy put

those charges to rest in the following passages:


But because I am a Catholic and no Catholic has

ever been elected President, the real issues in

this campaign have been obscured -- perhaps

deliberately, in some quarters less responsible

than this. So it is apparently necessary for me

to state once again -- not what kind of church I

believe in for that should be important only to

me, but what kind of America I believe in.



I believe in an America where the separation of

church and state is absolute -- where no Catholic

prelate would tell the President (should he be a

Catholic) how to act and no Protestant minister

would tell his parishioners for whom to vote --

where no church or church school is granted any

public funds or political preference -- and where

no man is denied public office merely because his

religion differs from the President who might

appoint him or the people who might elect him.



I believe in an America that is officially

neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish -- where

no public official either requests or accepts

instructions on public policy from the Pope, the

National Council of Churches or any other

ecclesiastical source -- where no religious body

seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly

upon the general populace or the public acts of

its officials -- and where religious liberty is

so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against



For, while this year it may be a Catholic against

whom the finger of suspicion is pointed, in other

years it has been, and may someday be again, a

Jew -- or a Quaker -- or a Unitarian -- or a

Baptist. It was Virginia's harassment of Baptist

preachers, for example, that led to Jefferson's

statute of religious freedom. Today, I may be the

victim -- but tomorrow it may be you -- until the

whole fabric of our harmonious society is ripped

apart at a time of great national peril.



Finally, I believe in an America where religious

intolerance will someday end -- where all men and

all churches are treated as equal -- where every

man has the same right to attend or not to attend

the church of his choice -- where there is no

Catholic vote, no anti-Catholic vote, no bloc

voting of any kind -- and where Catholics,

Protestants and Jews, both the lay and the

pastoral level, will refrain from those attitudes

of disdain and division which have so often

marred their works in the past, and promote

instead the American ideal of brotherhood.



That is the kind of America in which I believe.

And it represents the kind of Presidency in which

I believe -- a great office that must be neither

humbled by making it the instrument of any

religious group, nor tarnished by arbitrarily

withholding it, its occupancy from the members of

any religious group. I believe in a President

whose views on religion are his own private

affair, neither imposed upon him by the nation or

imposed by the nation upon him as a condition to holding that office.



I would not look with favor upon a President

working to subvert the First Amendment's

guarantees of religious liberty (nor would our

system of checks and balances permit him to do

so). And neither do I look with favor upon those

who would work to subvert Article VI of the

Constitution by requiring a religious test --

even by indirection -- for if they disagree with

that safeguard, they should be openly working to repeal it.



I want a chief executive whose public acts are

responsible to all and obligated to none -- who

can attend any ceremony, service or dinner his

office may appropriately require him to fulfill

-- and whose fulfillment of his Presidential

office is not limited or conditioned by any

religious oath, ritual or obligation.



This is the kind of America I believe in -- and

this is the kind of America I fought for in the

South Pacific and the kind my brother died for in

Europe. No one suggested then that we might have

a 'divided loyalty,' that we did 'not believe in

liberty' or that we belonged to a disloyal group

that threatened 'the freedoms for which our forefathers died.'




Mitt Romney would do well to echo Kennedy's

pronouncements in addressing the scurrilous

charge of Pastor Jeffress. It is worth noting

that unlike some ministers who have tried to

insinuate themselves into power by endeavoring to

influence the decision making of certain American

presidents, none was either the Pope or any

President of the Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter-Day Saints. Indeed, such action would be

inconsistent with the doctrine of the Church of

Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. That church

long ago adopted Articles of Faith (which confirm

the primacy of Christ and his teachings). Those

articles are the basic tenets which describe the

belief structure of the church. The twelfth

article of faith of the Church of Jesus Christ

calls on its members to be subservient to, and

not in opposition to, the rule of law. That

twelfth article reads: "We believe in being

subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and

magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining

the law." Ironically, were the intolerance for

religious plurality that Jeffress preaches

mirrored by a President of his choosing, we would

indeed see a real threat to the nation and, in

particular, to the First Amendment.





C 2011 Jonathan W. Emord - All Rights Reserved





Jonathan W. Emord is an attorney who practices

constitutional and administrative law before the

federal courts and agencies. Congressman Ron Paul

calls Jonathan "a hero of the health freedom

revolution" and says "all freedom-loving

Americans are in [his] debt . . . for his

courtroom [victories] on behalf of health

freedom." He has defeated the FDA in federal

court a remarkable eight times, six on First

Amendment grounds, and is the author of Amazon



Rise of Tyranny, and


Censorship of Health Information. He is also the

American Justice columnist for U.S.A. Today

Magazine. For more info visit <http://www.emord.com>Emord.com.



Website: <http://www.emord.com>Emord.com



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