Hi Jose

I don't see from your display which you mean, but, from the OSM area, I
think I understand.

You could consider adding something like this to 
highway=footway {
   existing stuff;
   set mkgmap:set_unconnected_type=none;
   set mkgmap:set_semi_connected_type=none;
   } [existing stuff]


On Sun, 2022-01-09 at 23:59 +0100, jose1711 wrote:
> hello all,
> my etrex legend has only 8 mb available for custom maps so sacrificing
> buildings is an obvious choice. just removing the buildings from the
> style however results in something like this:
> see that comb-shaped ways? those are usually bits leading to building
> entrances (here's the source:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/48.75978/17.82890). frankly, i
> don't really need them as they don't really carry any important
> information.
> douglas-pecker does not help here so i wonder if anyone has an idea how
> this can be optimized. i still want to retain the footways, just don't
> want them to be too "hairy".
> if this is not an easy task and involves too much coding then i will
> probably give up but before that i just wanted to ask if anyone has any
> idea.
> thank you,
> jose
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