> Hmm, very interesting solution but I can't explain every user
> please configure your browser in special way to browse my site.
> I'd prefer to get apache's mod_proxy cacheing mechanism to work
> as supposed. It's very mysterious part of apache code 
> Who's the author of mod_proxy ? May be he will be able to 
> show us some working example. Also I found one very interesting
> posting by Andreas concerning http headers and caching
> but lost URL. I remember it had to be a part of Guide.

Oleg, it would help if you read the whole email through, look at my reply
to you - there is an URL you couldn't find at the bottom of email :)

If you are after some Andreas' posts, mod_perl archives are your friends,
you will find a few of them at the bottom of perl.apache.org

> What's the status of this chapter ? Is it possible to find
> it in Web ? We really need working example to play with.
> The problem becomes more complex if we'll take into account
> not only proxy cacheing feature but also clients browser
> cache. I'd prefer to have control on both of them,
> for example proxy-frontend caches output from cgi-backend and
> browser also could cache documents, so user could
> go back and forward without contacting even with  proxy.
> Moreover, user could also  use proxy server and this
> proxy will contact with proxy-frontend. What's the mess :-(
> I use Mason on cgi-backend to produce dynamic output
> (semantically static using Andreas terminology)
> which also has some internal cache.  Fortunately
> it's fully controlled without any headers :-) 
> I'd prefer to stay with HTTP 1.0 because most proxies
> doesn't support 1.1 yet (btw, what's about apache proxy)
>       Regards,
>               Oleg
> > 
> >   Les Mikesell
> > 
> _____________________________________________________________
> Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet,
> Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia)
> Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/
> phone: +007(095)939-16-83, +007(095)939-23-83

Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.singlesheaven.com/stas  
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at  www.singlesheaven.com/stas/TULARC
www.apache.org  & www.perl.com  == www.modperl.com  ||  perl.apache.org
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