On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Clifford Lang wrote:
> Apache 1.3.9
> mod_perl 1.21
> Solaris 2.51
> How can I keep all children in sync and up to date with my .htpasswd file?
> I have a very volital site with users beening added and deleted constantly.
> I use an Embperl admin page to update/remove users. And as I refresh the
> page I get different counts from the userlist.
> Is user information kept in the servers cache / shared memory?  If so, how
> can I read / update that?  I would like all children to be updated, or at
> least forced to import the data if the time stamp has changed.
> If the file based is just not suitable, how is DBM based?  Will I have the
> same problem of syncronization?  Is there an easy way to convert or import
> my current lists?

I suggest doing DBI based authentication - the database then has to worry
about locking and concurrency and you don't. There's a chapter in the Eagle
book about this.


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