Full_Name: Ian Lunam
Version: 2.7.1
OS: linux RedHat 6.2
Submission from: (NULL) (

The System: RedHat 6.2, Apache 1.3.14, openSSL 0.9.6, tomcat 3.1, mod_ssl 2.7.1.
The machine is accessable via a firewall pinhole from the web. From the web it
is refered to as hostname.mydomain.com and from my Lan it is refered to as

After a fresh build (os and upwards) and test I changed the DocumentRoot(s) to
the correct new one and the ServerName(s) to the correct one
(hostname.mydomain.com). Accessing via http as either name all works fine.
Accessing via https from the web (as hostname.mydomain.com) all works fine.

Accessing via https from my Lan (ie: https://hostname/) I get an incorrect
default page (the test page from the install, tho minus it's images which show
in the error log as not being in MY directory structure!!) rather than my
index.html. By typing in the full URL (https://hostname/index.html) it serves my
correct page. By chucking an entry in my hosts file and accessing the host from
my Lan as https://hostname.mydomain.com/ it serves my correct default page.

Accessing via HTTP, all fine.
Accessing via HTTPS, wrong page if hostname wrong in request.

As if that isn't strange enough, even if I change some of the text in the
default test page from the install AND bounce the webserver it still serves the
original unchanged one!!! (I suspect if I bounced the machine I might get the
changed one but I'm not in a position to try that at present)

I'm sorry if this is not clear. If you need more details or clarification of
points please email me.

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