Hi all,

Once again, I spare you a large ASCII-art ANNOUNCE file - you can find
one if you surf directly to the latest distcache release notes at;


The new distcache 0.4pre2 release is closer still to an eventual
"stable" release but it *needs* more testing and feedback from users -
so if you are investigating session caching possibilities, please check
it out - you may be pleasantly surprised. To give you an idea just with
respect to performance; it'll probably give shmcb a run for its money,
should thrash shmht completely, and unlike either of them, it allows you
to share a session cache between multiple machines.

There's also a newer support package for mod_ssl 2.8.14, and the Apache
2 support was updated a little while ago too with the release of version

So there it is - if you're still reading and still interested, please
take a surf to;


Oh, and download something, try it out, and mail the distcache-users
list with any comments, complaints, compliments, or questions.


Geoff Thorpe

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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