Here's a message I sent to cpan-testers, but with the volume of
reports to that list, I doubt anyone on it has time left
from deleting the messages to respond.

I got one failure with 5.6.2 and passes with 5.8. The problem
appears to be the constant pragma, which doesn't seem to have an
independent contemporary existence on CPAN.

Module::CoreList tells me that it was 1.02 in 5.6, and 1.04 in
the 5.8.3 I developed my module on.

How do you find out what can be done in older perls?

The message to cpan-testers:

With reference to:

How do I go about finding out what the problem is here?

        PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/david/cpantesting/perl-5.6.2/bin/perl
        "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 
'blib/arch')" t/*.t
        t/00-load.........#     Failed test (t/00-load.t at line 20)
        #     Tried to use 'Games::Tournament::Swiss::Procedure::FIDE'.
        #     Error:  Constant name 'HASH(0x821c714)' has invalid characters at
         line 16
        # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
         line 40.

Because it is not failing on 5.8, I suspect that in 5.6.2 the constants pragma
didn't have:

       Defining multiple constants at once

       Instead of writing multiple "use constant" statements, you may define
       multiple constants in a single statement by giving, instead of the con-
       stant name, a reference to a hash where the keys are the names of the
       constants to be defined.  Obviously, all constants defined using this
       method must have a single value.

           use constant {
               FOO => "A single value",
               BAR => "This", "won’t", "work!",        # Error!

Line 16 of my module is: 

        use constant {
            C1        => 'C1',
            C2        => 'C2',

and it continues on this way to line 40.

            PREV      => "PREV",
            COLORS    => "COLORS",

What do I do now? constants doesn't seem to have a contemporary
existence on CPAN distinct from perl.

Dr Bean

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