I'm just about to finish up a module that someone might find useful.

It emulates two utilities found on IBM Mainframes, IEBUPDTE and 
IEBPTPCH. For a general discussion, lets just say that these two 
utilities are similar to tar/untar.  I wrote them so that I can 
bundle local files to upload, and so that I can un-bundle files 
downloaded from the mainframe.

If I were to start fresh, I'd like OS390::IEBUtils.

A bit of history:  IBM's OS has gone through many names, the three 
most recent are 'MVS', 'OS/390', and 'z/OS', so it's a little tricky 
using the OS name as an identifier.  The two most closely related 
existing modules are MVS::VBFile and Convert::OS390.  What's a little 
bit unusual is that this code would only be of interest to a 
mainframer, but it's designed to run on a PC.

Your thoughts are appreciated.  I've got a good bit of work in the
modules, and don't want to gum up the works with an ineffective or
misleading name.

Paul Boin
(717) 382-9711

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