2010/12/1 Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Bill Ward <b...@wards.net> wrote:
> With my original question I wanted to know what technological and
> perception related issues people see. We already got some material but
> I'd be happy to see more comments. Especially from those who work with
> people who are not involved in the Perl community. How do your peers
> and your bosses see Perl?
Usually bosses don't care (except biased cases with personal
preferences), usual points are - how to reach the goal in most
efficient way, and how to maintain the solution afterwards.
With wide CPAN repository first point could be achieved for certain
tasks quickly using Perl. However it becomes a real nightmare
afterwards for a second point - maintenance %) Long dependencies of
hardly or not-at-all maintained packages are making it really tough to
justify the choice when writing support documentation - you need
either to fetch and pre-pack all packages, making final solution
bloated and redundant, or copy-paste required fragments of code from
modules into own lightweight-all-purpose-toolkit module %)
Second point also implies using common language in single environment,
thus if Perl is already used in some area, it is wise to follow the

> I don't think it is too late. I think we just need to get up and start
> talking to people outside of the Perl community. That's what I have
> been trying to push forward with varrying success via the TPF Events
> group.
Frankly this is first time I hear perl is dead and comparing it to
long-dead languages seems for me a bit strange. Especially given Perl
has production-ready web application container (mod_perl) - such a
popular technology nowadays %)

Looking forward to reading yours.
     Ruslan N. Marchenko

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