I need to play a bit more with this.. I'll probably have to change my /etc/init.d/unicorn script so that it starts with the vendor/bundler_gems version instead of a system-wide version :o I'll get back to you..

Take a look at http://unicorn.bogomips.org/Sandbox.html  According to
Jamie, using "bundle exec unicorn_rails" is the correct way to go.

Thanks. Yes indeed, bundle exec is the way to go. I've got it rolling back nicely now.

It appears unicorn rolls back by itself when it can't start the new master. Nice!

Jamie also mentions to use the shared vendor/bundler_gems path. Though I do use that in all my projects I'm not so sure it's wise to do when you can't afford any downtime. I'll have to wait for unicorn v1.1.3 before I can test whether rolling back will indeed continue with unicorn v1.1.2 instead of v1.1.3 ;o


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