
 When System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Atom10ItemFormatter.ReadXml()
finds a <source> tag, it hands if off to ReadSourceFeed() which hands if
off to Atom10FeedFormatter.ReadFrom() which tries to load the inner
elements as though it were the contents of a normal feed.

 This doesn't work, however, because Atom10FeedFormatter checks for a
<feed> tag (which it doesn't find) and throws an exception complaining
that "title" isn't a valid element (which took me a while to decipher).

 The attached patch walks through the child elements of <source> and
adds this information to a generic SyndicationFeed().

 (The ChangeLog diff shows another commit from me. If that's a problem,
I can re-diff without it)

 Should I open a bug report for this?


Carlos Martín Nieto | http://www.cmartin.tk

"¿Cómo voy a decir bobadas si soy mudo?" -- CACHAI
commit dd345048b93b7c7db44f85c15394cf0476fbd545
Author: Carlos Martín Nieto <car...@cmartin.tk>
Date:   Wed Jun 9 13:20:00 2010 +0200

    2010-06-09  Carlos Martín Nieto  <car...@cmartin.tk>
    	* Atom10ItemFormatter.cs: Correctly handle <source> tags
    We can't use Atom10FeedFormatter to read the contents of a <source>
    element because it expects a <feed> tag.
    Instead, walk through the fields and add them to our local
    SyndicationFeed that gets returned

diff --git a/class/System.ServiceModel.Web/System.ServiceModel.Syndication/Atom10ItemFormatter.cs b/class/System.ServiceModel.Web/System.ServiceModel.Syndication/Atom10ItemFormatter.cs
index a845ae2..4d590e4 100644
--- a/class/System.ServiceModel.Web/System.ServiceModel.Syndication/Atom10ItemFormatter.cs
+++ b/class/System.ServiceModel.Web/System.ServiceModel.Syndication/Atom10ItemFormatter.cs
@@ -380,13 +380,35 @@ namespace System.ServiceModel.Syndication
 			SyndicationFeed feed = null;
 			if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) {
+				feed = new SyndicationFeed();
 				reader.Read ();
-				Atom10FeedFormatter ff = new Atom10FeedFormatter ();
-				ff.ReadFrom (reader);
-				feed = ff.Feed;
+				for (reader.MoveToContent (); reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement; reader.MoveToContent ()) {
+					if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.NamespaceURI == AtomNamespace) {
+						switch (reader.LocalName) {
+							case "title":
+								feed.Title = ReadTextSyndicationContent(reader);
+								continue;
+							case "subtitle":
+								feed.Description = ReadTextSyndicationContent(reader);
+								continue;
+							case "link":
+								SyndicationLink l = Item.CreateLink();
+								ReadLink (reader, l);
+								feed.Links.Add (l);
+								continue;
+							case "id":
+								feed.Id = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();
+								continue;
+							case "rights":
+								feed.Copyright = ReadTextSyndicationContent(reader);
+								continue;
+						}
+					}
+				}
 				feed = new SyndicationFeed ();
 			reader.Read (); // </source> or <source ... />
 			return feed;
diff --git a/class/System.ServiceModel.Web/System.ServiceModel.Syndication/ChangeLog b/class/System.ServiceModel.Web/System.ServiceModel.Syndication/ChangeLog
index 77df504..4351a68 100644
--- a/class/System.ServiceModel.Web/System.ServiceModel.Syndication/ChangeLog
+++ b/class/System.ServiceModel.Web/System.ServiceModel.Syndication/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2010-06-09  Carlos Martín Nieto  <car...@cmartin.tk>
+	* Atom10ItemFormatter.cs: Correctly handle <source> tags
 2010-06-07  Carlos Martín Nieto  <car...@cmartin.tk>
 	* Rss20ItemFormatter.cs: Don't assume guids are permalinks
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