[Mono-list] Re: More help needed.

2002-10-14 Thread ginga(A.E.)
Oh sorry, I've received the error mail (size over) like this: Sorry, your message was not sent out to 'mono-list' because it is too large. The maximum message size is 50k, and your message was 75k long. So I didn't think that it was to be delivered. A.Enomoto

[Mono-list] Re: implementation of System.Xml.XmlElement.InnerXml

2002-10-21 Thread ginga(A.E.)
Hello Duncan. Dou-itashimashite. Thank you for your advice, I'll keep in mind for the next time. This is the fastest turnaround time I've ever seen (from initial e-mail to mailing list to the patch submission), this is really awesome. Maybe it is because of the jet lag of the mail :) It is a

[Mono-list] Re: some System.XML bugfixes

2002-12-01 Thread ginga(A.E.)
Hello. This is my error that I simply missed 'CreateNavigator(XmlNode).' I think ville, Tim and Rafael are right, and please forget my previous argument about 'non-inherited classes' problem. Sorry to disturb. As to the report from ville ([Mono-list] XmlDocument.cs), XmlDataDocument.cs (line

[Mono-list] Re: some System.XML bugfixes

2002-12-03 Thread ginga(A.E.)
Hello. When InsertAfter remaps the call into an InsertBefore(xxx, null), to insert it at the end, then InsertBefore skips the checking if it is being inserted around a DocumentElement. Surely (non-whitespace) Elements/Characters/EntityReferences cannot occur anywhere outside the

[Mono-list] Re: some System.XML bugfixes

2002-12-03 Thread ginga(A.E.)
Hello. XML must be first normalized to its canonical form, before any textual comparison can be made. I'm not sure if System.Xml implements some canonicalization service, but we need one because w3c's xml signatures require it. It is

[Mono-list] Re: some System.XML bugfixes

2002-12-04 Thread ginga(A.E.)
Hello. Nope. I still got the same results :-( Now I know it was because when writing xmlns attribute the behavior of XmlTextWriter was as if such xmlns didn't exist. BTW, Tim's patch(for bug 32262) also seems to fix this problem. Please check it. Thanks. -- Atsushi Eno

[Mono-list] Re: [PATCH] running NAnt-0.6 on linux

2003-01-01 Thread ginga(A.E.)
Hello, (and happy new year!) XmlNode.SelectSingleNode( @win32icon ) fails with XML parser exception. It was XPath parser's bug. I tried a test below, and it failed at XPathParser.yyparseSafe(). XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(root attr='ATTR' attr1='ATTR1' /);

[Mono-list] XmlNamespaceManager.LookupPrefix

2003-01-16 Thread ginga(A.E.)
Hello, I noticed that mono's XmlNamespaceManager.LookupPrefix method is implemented as MS describes in their documentation: blockquote Return Value The matching prefix. If there is no mapped prefix, the method returns String.Empty. If a null value is supplied then a null reference

[Mono-list] Re: XmlNamespaceManager.LookupPrefix

2003-01-17 Thread ginga(A.E.)
Hello. Nick, James, thank you. System.Xml is part of the ECMA standard, yes? In this case shouldn't a documentation discrepancy indicate Microsoft needing to fix things, as otherwise they'd be breaking the standard? :) I looked into ECMA spec and pnetlib (of DotGNU) source, and found that

[Mono-list] Re: xmlns dupes

2003-01-17 Thread ginga(A.E.)
Hello Sebastien. Sorry to be late (since last November!). In the second iteration xmlns is __also__ added to the XML output - but is already present! The same sanity check (in WriteAttributeString, XmlWriter.cs) don't catch the dupe (but should it ? or is it for attributes prefix ?). Thanks