Hi, fellow Mopolians, from Joe B in NOLA.
This off-topic post, part warning, part bitch-fest,  will be a combination of 
rant and request for contact info and advice.  I need to know how to get in 
touch with LucasFilm's supposed "complaint" line about theatrical presentations 
of the Mighty Lucas' property!  Because I got a doozy for them!!
First let me say that my friend Al and I, seniors in our late 60s, have been 
moviegoers since infancy. Each of us saw the Star Wars films in the theatres 
more than once, purchased every damned laserdisc presentation (still have 
some...big box set for sale. Want it??), embraced the dvds and finally 
purchased the superbly done blu-ray set of all six films.
BUT.....then, Lucas & Co. need more of our money and Al and I dutifully 
(actually, out of sheer curiosity at the conversion result) trekked to the AMC 
Elmwood theatre in New Orleans (best mustiplex in town--- sadly!) for the 11 AM 
show Tuesday.  
I had read good things in professional nationwide reviews about the 3-D 
conversion... how much fun and immersive it is, etc. 
Well--- that may be the case elsewhere, but NOT at the AMC Elmwood cinema in 
New Orleans!!
Here goes:  The film was projected (from a computer, I think) totally out of 
its aspect ratio:  it looked like a standard 1:85-1 release instead of the 
2:35-1 original aspect ratio.  The 3-D was practically non-existant, and I do 
not exaggerate!  It looked like an old stereopticon picture of far distances. 
The sound was pretty good but too quiet and lacked presence and depth---- no 
use of subwoofers??. 
Otherwise, the picture quality was pretty bad-- about equal to the "First Look" 
computerized commercials and other junk that plays in these auditoriums before 
the previews start.  It was way too dim, which seems par for these "converted" 
3-d films.   
Indeed, the entire experience in the auditorium was so disappointing and, 
indeed, demoralizing that the two of us agreed that we were too appalled to get 
up and walk out and complain.  We just left immediately afterwards, vowing to 
not waste one more cent on one of these Star Wars 3-D conversions.  
Today I called the theatre and spoke to the manager, a nice guy who was most 
apologetic, will send me some passes and seemed to genuinely care about us as 
customers.  He said he'd check out the situation, etc.  Well, when I go this 
afternoon or tomorrow afternoon to see "Extremely Loud" (for Oscar), I intend 
to peek in with my saved 3-d glasses and take a look at the result of my phone 
call.  Frankly I expect things to be the same.
And this is from the BEST multiplex in town!  
The New Orleans market is ripe for a new company (other than AMC) to come and 
give these people some competition.  One can drive 85 miles to Baton Rouge and 
find state-of-the-art theatres.  But who wants to do that?????!!!!!
I want to contact LucasFilm about the presentation at AMC in New Orleans.  One 
used to be able to find an address and/or phone number to report these things, 
as Lucas stated in no uncertain terms that he DEMANDED proper presentation of 
his films in theatres and wanted to hear if not.  AMC had a special promotion 
with Lucas for this engagement (we got a plastic toy! Yippee!) and, frankly, I 
want to give the Lucas company a piece of my mind.  Like many of you, I've 
already given  them WAYYYY more of my money than I ever should have!
Oh-- the coda to all this:  Each of us went home, pulled out our blu-ray  of 
Phantom Menace for a quick look.  Even the menus were better than what we paid 
NINE BUCKS (the cheapest we could have!) to see in the theatre.  The superb 
blu-ray just reminded me that maybe I'm just getting too old---- TOO OLD to go 
to the THEATRE and be ripped off by either sub-par presentations and/or unruly 
But I LIKE "going to the movies."  I've been doing it for most of my 
life...since seeing "The Boy With Green Hair" at age 5.  And I don't want to 
stop going now.
But one more experience like this one, and I will.  
Joe B in NOLA
PS-- I'd really like to know if any of you have seen the 3-D Phantom Menace in 
a theatre and if you had a similar experience (hope not!) or a good one.
PPS-- If any of you know how to reach the Lucas complaint email address or line 
(there must be one!), please let me know.  And thanks for putting up with this 

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