it has been awhile since ebay blocked your availability to see the low  
i still dont like it.  perhaps, we on MOPO are extra  sensitive, since we are 
collectors, and we know many of the bidders.......   don't you like to see 
what your friends are bidding  on?.     (yes, feedback states the truth.....)
wish who i could see who cost me an extra 45.00 yesterday, that cost me my  
full snipe bid.  had i bid 2.22 less (i suppose it was a 2.50  increment), i 
would have lost the poster!!!!  and the poster was in the mid  one hundred 
dollar range.
i used to have fun looking at the bidders.  IN  FACT................REMEMBER 
the days where we liked to see the bidders' ID  names....such as movie titles, 
stars, etc.?
**************Feeling the pinch at the grocery store?  Make meals for Under 
$10. (

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