Greetings colleagues,

Thought there may be a few biological anthropologists on this list that may 
wish to participate (see below).



Hello everyone,

I apologize for the informal nature of this mass email, but I was hoping you 
would be interested in participating in a research project I am  conducting 
with Dr. Natalie Langley (see below). Please also consider passing this email 
along to any current biological anthropology graduate student, or graduate of 
biological anthropology (MA and/or PhD) you may know (I included a shorter 
description for social media below) - whether or not they have anatomical 
training. We will also be posting this to various list servs, so I apologize in 
advance for any duplicates you may receive.

Project/Survey description:

During recent years, biological anthropologists have increasingly filled 
faculty and research positions in non-anthropology departments, particularly in 
anatomy departments at medical universities. As biological anthropologists, our 
training in human osteology and evolutionary and comparative anatomy make us 
great resources for anatomy and biology departments, both in terms of teaching 
and research. However, our training in the anatomical sciences may vary 
depending on our specific research and employment interests.

With this in mind, we are conducting a survey to investigate the amount and 
type of anatomical training (if any) individuals with biological anthropology 
degrees receive. If you have graduated with either a PhD and/or Master's in 
biological anthropology, or are working on attaining either, we invite you to 
complete our 5-10 minute, anonymous survey by clicking the link below. Results 
from this survey are intended to help anthropology departments assess career 
development and training for graduate students matriculating as anatomy 
faculty, and to help anatomy departments understand the amount and type of 
training of anthropology candidates. We will summarize the results in poster 
format at the American Association of Clinical Anatomists meeting, and so the 
outcome of the study will be available to all of you via our<>
 and ResearchGate online presences.<>

If you have any questions regarding this project, please feel free to contact 
Lauren Butaric or Natalie Langley at the emails provided below.

Thank you in advance for your participation,

Lauren Butaric, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Des Moines University


Natalie Langley, PhD, D-ABFA

Senior Associate Consultant, Department of Anatomy, Mayo Clinic College of 
Medicine and Science


Shorter Social Media Description

Are you a biological anthropology graduate student, or have you obtained a 
graduate degree in biological anthropology? If so, PLEASE complete our survey 
at the link below, which investigates the amount and type of anatomical 
training among biological anthropology graduates. Thank you in advance for your 
participation. Contact Natalie Langley 
(<>) or Lauren Butaric 
(<>) with any questions.<>

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