Today, 12 July, at about 2:45 PM, Bob Russell and I saw a Little Gull at the 
Paynesville sewage ponds in Stearns Co.  The gull was in second- or 
adult-summer plumage.

Regrettably, we didn't see the Little Gull until it, and about 12 accompanying 
Franklin's Gulls, flew across one of the sewage-pond dikes in front of us; more 
regrettably, that group of gulls turned to the NNW and gradually drifted out of 
sight.  They didn't return, at least not in the next hour or so while we were 
still at the ponds.

Whether that group of gulls, or a subset of that group, will return to the 
ponds in the evening is anyone's guess.

Phil Chu
Department of Biology
St. John's University
Collegeville, MN 56321

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