 While many others flooded Duluth looking at the Tall Ships my friends Travis, 
Herb and I were looking for shorebirds. Just south of Grassy Point we found a 
lone Long Billed Dowitcher in a small pond surrounded by gravel. We did hear 
his call and heard in the distance another call so there might be two.  He had 
no problems letting us get fairly close to him and was still there when we 
left.  This is not the Grassy Point trail but just down river from there.  
Later we explored closer to Duluth and found an  area where we saw several 
least sandpipers , and some lesser yellowlegs.  Also in the distance we saw 
some red heads. I’ve never seen them this time of year, and canada geese as 
well as mallards and perhaps a gadwall.  We did walk the Grassy point trail for 
a bit but near the end the boardwalk the trail was broken and it was a bit of a 
risk, especially with our camera equipment to go further.  I hope someone fixes 
it. We did see however a red eyed vireo .  We also visited Hartley Park in 
Duluth, another park none of us had heard of  and were guided around it by John 
Kelsey and his wife. What a lovely park and in spite of the fact that it had 
been pretty severely logged it is well worth checking out. We saw a jv common 
yellow throat and butterflies and a dc cormorant as well as a tadpole and a 
small frog. .  So we had a lovely day.  Here is my link to some photos.  
Ron Taube Coon Rapids. 
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