We went to Carver Park Reserve and walked from about 1:30-4:00 on the
unpaved trail off of Carver Park Road.  When we got to the scenic overlook
northeast of Lundsten Lake we noticed an unusual and saw that it was a
Northern Mockingbird.  We observed it sitting in a tree by the overlook
until it flew off and we could clearly see the white patches on its wings.

Other things we saw there were:
Palm Warblers
Yellow-Rumped Warblers
Clay-Colored Sparrows
Field Sparrows
Eastern Kingbirds
Northern Flicker
Brown Thrasher
White-Throated Sparrows
Chipping Sparrows
Trumpeter Swan
Brown-Headed Cowbirds
Sedge Wren
and a big Raccoon eating in the creek!


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