I am following up on the Mew Gull report from yesterday afternoon at Lake

The bird was found and identified by David Pavlik very close to shore by
the parking lot in the southwest corner of the lake.  The gull was visible
for maybe 20-30 minutes before we lost track of it while scanning the other
gulls.  It was last seen just behind the farthest (northernmost) floating
dock.  Shortly after that, hundreds of gulls all took flight, circled, and
eventually landed again.  There were many hundreds of gulls farther north
on the lake, well out of scope range.  Other birders showed up, but to my
knowledge, no one relocated the Mew Gull.  It could easily still be in the
area, given the large number of gulls present on the lake (and the other
area lakes).

David posted pictures on the Minnesota Birding facebook page and there is
absolutely no question on the ID; various expert birders in the group all
agree that the bird was an adult Mew Gull.

There was also an adult Thayer's Gull and at least one Lesser Black-backed
Gull present.

Peter Nichols
Cottage Grove
Washington County

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