Greetings State Fair volunteers,

Hooray! An anonymous donor has offered to pay for tickets for MOU state fair volunteers so we are continuing sign-ups for this year's fair. This is fabulous news for those interested in birding and bird conservation. Our booth has always been very popular with fair goers so we are elated to be able to continue our booth un-interrupted. We are also REALLY streamlining our display. Our booth will be a rollout, lockable cabinet. One piece that one volunteer can take out and put away. While 2 volunteers per shift is always ideal, we realize that it is not always "real world".
The Google calendar is awaiting your  sign up.
***Someone tried logging in from Texas which caused Google to shut things down until we changed our password.
The NEW password is il0vemou.
Note the letter “o” is replaced with a “zero” in the word LOVE.
No caps.

Go to: Http://
1 sign in using the red button on the right hand side of your screen.
   Login/emailname: mouvolunteer
   Password: il0vemou
Please note: As google continues to evolve, there are some steps that are different for some users than in past years. On some screens the button on the screen is blue. It says, “sign In”. On some versions you need to click on the icon of a 9 box grid in the upper right hand side of the screen to get the option to choose “calendar”. 2. Click on the word “calendar” on the black bar along the top of the screen 3. On the calendar screen, you’ll be on today’s date. Use the arrows to jump ahead to the fair dates.
4.  Find the shift you want and double-click it.
5.  Put your name in the box right after the shift title.
6.  Click “save”.
Please email your contact information if it has changed or if you are a new volunteer so you can be sent information about your shift. Additionally: If you don’t like to mess around the calendar, simply email Jen or me and indicate the shift(s) you would like to sign up for. THANKS to our volunteers and the list serves for posting this message
Kate Kelnberger:
Jen Vieth:

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