I went to Sibley county yesterday to check for the Prothonotary Warbler south 
of Henderson and to explore the rest of the county. I was not disappointed in 
any respect. I first stopped at Ney Nature Center just to the east of Henderson 
on the Scott/Le Sueur County border where there were several Clay-colored 
Sparrows singing. I then went to the oxbow lake that is just south of town at 
6:00am and immediately heard the Prothonotary singing loudly with its 6 
consecutive "sweets". Actually seeing the bird was a whole other issue. I 
carefully scanned from a muddy bank for about 20 minutes while getting eaten 
alive by mosquitoes and gnats but I finally got a good view of this state first 
bird! The only other places I have seen them were in WI with a terrible view 
and a great view in a Costa Rica mangrove. On the way to Rush River State 
Wayside I found a nice Lark Sparrow from the dirt road. At the wayside I found 
singing Eastern Towhees and Field Sparrows. I then headed west on 19 and found 
Bobolinks in many locations. At the Winthrop sewer ponds were Brewer's 
Blackbird, Redheads, Wood Ducks and a Ruddy Duck. On both the east and west 
sides of Winthrop were Dickcissels. Further on 19 was a great pond that had a 
Red-necked Grebe, several Gadwall, and Marsh Wrens as well as many 
Yellow-headed Blackbirds on the north side of the road. The Gibbon sewage ponds 
had Northern Shoveler, Redhead and Vesper Sparrows. On C.R. 10 to the northeast 
of Gibbon was a flock of Semipalmated Plover, Semipalmated Sandpiper, and 
Bairds Sandpiper in a flooded field. I am unsure how rare the Baird's Sandpiper 
are this time of year but I had fantastic extended views and checked many 
guidebooks and am 90% sure of this ID. I later found more Redheads and Black 
Tern at a marsh area and a Purple Martin in New Auburn.
Last Week I checked out Wadena, Cass and Hubbard counties but did not post 
because I don't think I saw anything too unusual but here is a list of a few 
birds I saw then:
Northern Parula- Hubbard co.
Blackpoll Warbler- Wadena co.
Wilson's Warbler- Wadena co.
Golden-winged Warbler- many locations
Common Tern- Leach Lake
American Woodcock- several displaying on CR 200 in Cass county at 3:45am
Wilson's Snipe- Winnowing at many locations
American Bittern- "pumping" in Cass co.
Eastern Towhee- Wadena co.
Brewer's Blackbird- Wadena co.
Western Meadowlark- Wadena co. I did not here it call and am basing this off of 
the MOU occurrence likelihood (eastern vs. western)
Two "southern" birds seen were two Red-bellied Woodpeckers Wadena co. and Wild 
Turkey in Wadena and Cass county's. I am unsure if these are unusual this far 
I was really hoping to see Prairie Chickens but searched several areas with no 
Good Birding,
Jason Caddy
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