
Probably nothing like what's going on in southwestern/western Minnesota right 
now, but today there are a lot of swans, geese and ducks migrating thru Brown 
county.  The area where they are showing up is along the Little Cottonwood 
river south and west of Sleepy Eye.  I found the most birds along Brown county 
8, between county roads 20 and 22 (where the Little Cottonwood crosses the 
road).  Look for them on the west side of the road.  Here there were about 400 
Greater White-fronted Geese, about 50 Snow Geese, hundreds of Cackling and 
Canada.  I was able to pick out 6 Ross's and I'm certain there were more in 
there that I couldn't make out.  Also seen were about a dozen Tundra Swans.  
Really any north/south road that intersects with the Little Cottonwood has 
hundreds of geese and ducks around it.  There must be thousands in the area 
right now tucked away in areas where they can't be seen from the road.  Quite a 
sight to behold!

Brian Smith
Sleepy Eye

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