David Balazic a écrit :
Is/will the multithread patch at
be integrated into lame ?

Gives 20-100% speedup on 2-way systems. (hyperthread,dual-core,SMP etc.
It produces bit identical output to classic LAME (according to author,
I compared his version with a newer lame version and they differ)

In its current state, this patch will not be included into Lame.
In order to work properly, this version needs to have the bit reservoir disabled (it is thus only bit identical to Lame if you add --nores to Lame options). Disabling bit reservoir will cause serious quality reduction.

It is an interesting work, but practically encoding the mp3 stream in 2 half parts by 2 instances of Lame in parallel and then joining them would provide the same speed benefits as this version, but with a way higher quality.

Those who want to use 2-way (or more) systems can also encode several tracks in parallel with several instances of Lame. You will have some nice speed boost, with zero quality reduction.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

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