[Mpls] Re: Mpls Council Races - Who and Why?

2005-10-03 Thread Delcalzojan
Okay, Gary Hoover, here is another voice from the 13th ward in response to your question as to whom people in the 13th Ward are supporting. I am supporting Lisa McDonald for a number of reasons. First of all, she is experienced as a Council Member and I think we need that. I worked for the

[Mpls] What has happened to politics?

2005-07-12 Thread Delcalzojan
I'm not sure if David will bounce this as not being Minneapolis specific, but I will try to make it so. Over the weekend on Channel 2's Point of View there was a fascinating documentary on the 2002 Mayor's race in Newark, NJ. Done by an independent journalist, it followed the race between

[Mpls] Caucuses

2005-03-01 Thread Delcalzojan
Mike Nelson wrote: I just came home from my precinct caucus. I seriously doubt I will be returning. When we were in the process of filling our allotted number of delegates,we had more volunteers than open positions. Someone made a suggestion regarding how we might eliminate some people.

[Mpls] School Yard Bullying

2004-11-08 Thread Delcalzojan
I don't know about the rest of you, but I thought the piece done by Channel 5 on school yard bullying was appalling in that it appears our schools' playgrounds are infested by World Wide Wrestling wanna-be's. However, what really appalled me were the absolutely stupid comments by the

[Mpls] Property Taxes and Tax Increment

2004-08-23 Thread Delcalzojan
Okay, I need someone knowledgeable about Tax Increment to clarify something for me. I understand the basic premise of Tax Increment - a piece of property is run down and generates little in taxes, City sells bonds to improve the property, increased taxes on property pays off the bonds. I'm

[Mpls] MTC - Can Minneapolis opt out?

2004-04-04 Thread Delcalzojan
I know this is really crazy, but why shouldn't Minneapolis opt out of the Metro transit system? Believe me, that statement goes counter to everything I believe in as far as governing goes, but these are strange times indeed. It is clear that the Republicans and anti-transit Carol Molneau are

[Mpls] Minneapolis looking good

2004-03-24 Thread Delcalzojan
I know that sometimes this list begins to sound like a gripe session and people focus on the negative. I'm not trying to be a Pollyanna because I do know that there is bad stuff out there, and maybe it is the warmer weather or something, but I have been struck by how good the City looks now -

[Mpls] McManus, Ngo and Politics

2004-03-20 Thread Delcalzojan
Does anyone else get the feeling that we are watching the gang who couldn't shoot straight? We have (or had) a police department that didn't know when or where the undercover officers were; we had a horrible incident and a botched investigation; we had reluctance on the part of the department

[Mpls] Suburbanites afraid of the City

2004-02-21 Thread Delcalzojan
I think it interesting to note that many writers have pointed out that suburban Allina employees are uncomfortable with the idea of coming to the new Sears site in south Minneapolis. Isn't that just a week after a TV and newspaper story about the majority of drug buyers in the Jordan area

[Mpls] School Closings

2004-02-15 Thread Delcalzojan
I am perplexed by the discussion regarding school closings - the need thereof -which ones and -amp;nbsp; how did we get to this place.amp;nbsp; Let me just say as a point of reference, I have lived in my present house for 35 years and have had two kids go through the Minneapolis Public School

[Mpls] Recycling Contract

2004-01-26 Thread Delcalzojan
Is the Eureka Recycling that has a contract to do recycling in part of Minneapolis, the same Eureka Recycling that does the TwinCitiesfreemarket.org website? I think that is such a great idea and has been a tremendous help to me as I am de-cluttering my house, that I would support them for a

[Mpls] Bitter Cold and Full Homeless Shelters

2004-01-23 Thread Delcalzojan
Where is the collective will among our leaders - including political, religious and civic - to deal with a real life and death situation? We have bitterly cold weather and not enough room for the homeless. Yet every church has a basement that could be opened to shelter people? Should not

[Mpls] We elected them - let them govern

2003-12-27 Thread Delcalzojan
I have been reading all the comments (and the rants) about the Mayor's choice of a Police Chief and the debacle of the Park Board selecting its Superintendent. I agree that the Park Board's move was beyond belief and I can't figure out why the five did it. I agree that people can rage about it all

[Mpls] Usury laws - tow charges

2003-11-21 Thread Delcalzojan
After reading a number of these posts about outrageous towing fees I am wondering if there are any Council Members monitoring this list. Sure sounds like a subject that needs some attention at that level. I know we have to keep traffic moving, but this snatching of cars out of private lots and

[Mpls] Mpls School Busing

2003-11-06 Thread Delcalzojan
First of all, I do not have kids in the Minneapolis Public Schools, but I did have. And those kids first walked to the local school - even came home for lunch - then rode the first Hale-Field buses for integration purposed and finally walked to the local high school. Leaving aside the whole

[Mpls] Tow Away Zones on 35W between downtown and Lake Street

2003-10-31 Thread Delcalzojan
Does anyone know what the "Tow Away Zone" signs on 35W between downtown and Lake Street really mean. There are five of them. I think I also saw some on 94. Obviously I know they mean that the car will be towed, that was always the case - what does the sign do to that situation? Of yes, there are

[Mpls] City Hall Stomps on One Man's Dream

2003-10-30 Thread Delcalzojan
The morning Doug Growe's column detailed the plight of a man who had followed the rules, got the necessary permits for a business, rehabbed a building, and then had it all trashed by a City Council Ordinance that was effective upon passage that banned such business at the man's location. It

[Mpls] Garbage Mules

2003-10-20 Thread Delcalzojan
Chris Johnson writes about garbage hauling: "My garbage is picked up by the city of Minneapolis now.  It costs more and I get far less service than when I lived in Chaska and paid a private contractor.  What's up with that?" That one I totally don't understand. All my friends who live in the

[Mpls] The Judiciary and Crime

2003-08-18 Thread Delcalzojan
I don't know about anyone else, but Doug Grow's column in today's paper regarding the death of Willie Wise and how his life could be a case study in the failure of the Judiciary to help solve the crime problem. My hat is off to Jana Metje and her perseverance in following up on the 1997

[Mpls] Re: Gallman comments

2003-08-18 Thread Delcalzojan
Wow, I thought I was going crazy when I agreed with Michael Atherton on this subject, but then I saw Brandon Lacy's post that she also agreed with him. Could this be a trend? For the life of me I cannot figure out why it is racist to say that there appears to be less emphasis placed on education

[Mpls] Mike Matson

2003-03-29 Thread Delcalzojan
I would like to thank Peter McLaughlin for posting the information about the funeral service for Mike Matson. It was a great shock for me , and I am sure for many others, who had known Mike during his years of service at Hennepin County and as the Council Member Aide for Tony Scallen at the

[Mpls] War, Not Crime

2003-03-18 Thread Delcalzojan
Is it just my imagination or has there not been any crime news on TV and in the papers lately? Has the talk of war made it go away, or just not get any coverage? Just curious. Jan Del Calzo Lynnhurst

[Mpls] Proposed Budget Cuts at the City other than Police and Fire

2003-03-07 Thread Delcalzojan
Does anyone know what level of cuts are being proposed for City departments other than Police and Fire (which have been pretty detailed in the news media); e.g., the City Council, City Attorney, etc? It might be interesting to see how some of the departments Lisa McDonald mentioned in her post

[Mpls] Cutting size of the City Council

2003-03-06 Thread Delcalzojan
I'll just on this band wagon in a minute. As I look at how the City is proposing to meet the challenges of the cuts in LGA all I can see is "same old, same old." Threaten to cut police, fire, and maybe even remove stop signs (how that will save money, I have never figured out, but Public Works

[Mpls] Why does Minneapolis get no respect?

2003-03-04 Thread Delcalzojan
I just finished the morning paper, and while concerned about the new library, I was more struck by the piece on the problems of the Target Center. I knew that it was hurting because of competition from the Xcel Center in St. Paul, but did not recall the extent to which the state of Minnesota

[Mpls] The Library

2003-03-04 Thread Delcalzojan
Much as I would like to see a new library, I really do believe this is not the time to sell the bonds for the facility. I supported the referendum, but I think a number of things, such as money for the additional operating expenses, were not dealt with in a forthright manner at the time of the

[Mpls] First Apartment

2003-03-03 Thread Delcalzojan
I love this subject thread - it has made me think about things I haven't thought about in years. My first apartment in Minneapolis was at 32nd and Dupont, shared with two others and cost $120.00 a month so my share was $40.00. Okay, so our apartment was a converted attic on the third floor and

[Mpls] LGA Cuts

2003-02-20 Thread Delcalzojan
Will someone with a fine mathematical mind please try to sort out the conflicting statements about the cuts in LGA. The Governor says a city should be able to cut 5% with no sweat and that is all any one city is being asked to do. Others say that the City will take a 30% hit. On what base are

[Mpls] Local Government Aid

2003-02-13 Thread Delcalzojan
The conversations about the relative "wealth" of Minneapolis as measured by its value of real estate versus the total in the state and the number of people in Minneapolis as a proportion of the state's total population are interesting, but don't tell the whole story. When I worked or the City

[Mpls] Re: Third Ward Elections

2003-01-25 Thread Delcalzojan
I have been very interested in reading all the informative and passionate postings by the candidates and their supporters on this Third Ward Council race. As someone not a resident of the Third Ward, I feel it is important that all City residents understand the issues that effect each ward so that

[Mpls] Minneapolis Schools and their budgets

2003-01-24 Thread Delcalzojan
Okay, I admit, I just don't get it. I have read every post about the Minneapolis schools and its budget woes - I have read the articles about tax shifts and reductions in state aid and you know what, I still don't get it. Where is the money going and how much would be needed to do the job? It

[Mpls] Snowmen and antagonizing greater Minnesotans

2002-11-17 Thread Delcalzojan
Jim Mork asked how I thought greater Minnesotans were being asked to subsidize art for Minneapolis. The most obvious is the bonding money that is being sought from the state - all taxpayers - for the Gurthrie. I know the argument that the Gurthrie is a state resource, but most people still

[Mpls] Snowmen and the Guthrie

2002-11-16 Thread Delcalzojan
I do not want to be accused of beating a dead Snowman, but something in the morning paper brought up the issue again. There was a report that the City Council decided not to participate in the Snowman statue (remember that this is a stateside effort) program because it was not art. Then a

[Mpls] Snowmen Statues

2002-11-15 Thread Delcalzojan
Oh, come on City Council members, lighten up! This morning's paper carried a story about a Council Committee's rejection to participating in the Snowmen statue program for some reasons I truly didn't understand. Now as a person who has had Statue Envy of St. Paul because of their wonderful

[Mpls] Budget cuts to come at expense of Minneapolis

2002-11-06 Thread Delcalzojan
I am absolutely convinced that the new state administration will cut the Local Government Aid (LGA) money in order to close that $3 billion deficit, and that Minneapolis will take the biggest hit. Then in order to keep up services, Minneapolis will have to drastically raise property taxes.

[Mpls] Hennepin and Lyndale two lane streets

2002-11-02 Thread Delcalzojan
Several years ago I chaired the Lyndale Avenue Task Force. It was formed by Council Members Meade and McDonald after a proposal surfaced to wide the street and take numerous threes. Hundreds of angry people came to a meeting and it was very clear the staff's proposal would have to be

[Mpls] Rabbit Sculpture at Portland and Minnehaha

2002-10-22 Thread Delcalzojan
The topics on the Minneapolis Forum have been pretty heavy lately and I just wanted to let people know that there are things in the City that do make one smile. I was just driving along Minnehaha Parkway and at Portland Avenue (south side of the Creek) this is a wonderful large bronze

[Mpls] Where are all the lawn signs?

2002-10-22 Thread Delcalzojan
A couple of people have questioned the dearth of lawn signs this year and I think I know why. I suspect all the money is going to other forms of advertising that are deemed to have a bigger bang for the buck. Alas, campaigns are changing. In the old days everything was done by volunteers

[Mpls] Parking cars at Meadowbrook

2002-08-21 Thread Delcalzojan
Boy, I must have been asleep because I heard nothing about this nutty idea to park cars on the Meadowbrook gold course during the Solheim Cup play until I read about it here. In fact I played at Meadowbrook on Tuesday and saw a lot of traffic barricade stuff piled around at various places and

[Mpls] MAC Meeting Location

2002-08-20 Thread Delcalzojan
The question of where the MAC holds its meetings is a very old one. In my early days as a citizen noise activist (1970) I wrote a letter to the MAC asking why they did not hold their meetings at the MAC headquarters, 6040 28th Avenue South. My reasoning was that it would be easier for

[Mpls] Environmental Concerns

2002-06-30 Thread Delcalzojan
I, too, have noticed a trend in southwest Minneapolis that I find disturbing. Lots of people, usually on the ends of the blocks because of the access) are adding a second garage to this (usually) tuck-under garages. It entails removing part of the back yard and sometimes a deck is added on