There is an article in today's Strib metro section
regarding outdoor movies put on by Atomic Shock
Theatre at the Grain Belt Brewery and the MCDA
shutting them down.

I loved this quote from the MCDA's Carter Johnson:"It
sounds like a very interesting activity but its very
problematic to have carloads of people on city
property. Somebody could get hurt and there might be
illegal drinking."

Sounds suspiciously like our city streets. At least
the people at these movies are stationary.

I'll rephrase that. At least their cars are

I've heard that people who used to attend drive-in
movies sometimes moved about though I must admit that
in my impoverished youth I was never so lucky.

It is a sadness I still feel and I would wish it on
noone else.

Tim Connolly
Candidate for Mayor of Minneapolis 
Downtown Resident

P.S.  The last few weeks, yeah months, I wondered what
three words I might use on the ballot to describe my
principles or party affiliation.

I affiliate with all parties in the sense of the Latin
root of that word though I am a member of none.

"Independent" seemed like a joke for as we all know
independence has much to do with action but once the
action of declaring and separating it becomes a myth.
We are more accurately interdependent.

Iconoclast seemed to fit but that seemed mocking and
less serious  than I wanted to present myself. And
there are traditions I believe in and uphold.

I settled on two words: SOCIAL JUSTICE. It underscores
all that I believe and informs all that I do.

Some may think it pretentious. They do not yet know
I hope we will have a chance to meet.

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