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I was on the scene at 26th and James Thursday night
August 22 from 11 til maybe 1 AM.  I was back the next
morning, and again that evening for the community
march, and I talked to dozens of witnesses.  I have
read the posts to this list on the subject and would
like to add my impressions and observations.

MANY people, old and young, not all members of the
affected family, agreed on the following scenario.  A
police van, backed up by many squad cars, pulled up in
front of the house and as soon as the van door opened
a police officer began firing, weapon on full
automatic.  The 11-year old, who was holding the dog
on a leash, was hit and let go of the leash.  The dog
went around the corner to die of what several
witnesses agreed was a minimum of 3 wounds and
possibly more. the 11-year old was then handcuffed and
left on the ground and other members of the family
were threatened with shooting if they got in the way
or said anything. The police then searched the house
and left, at no time presenting the family with any
paper of any kind.  Neighborhood youth then gathered
and began stoning cars with white passengers, I
personally experienced some of these.

All of this makes the official police/media story of a
single bullet that somehow went through a dog, bounced
off the concrete, and still managed to make a hole in
an 11-year old's arm unlikely at best.  I don't know
the family that lives on 26th and Knox, but I talked
to them extensively and their story accords with that
of many neighbors.  People were not shy of pointing
out which houses were drughouses,  this house not
among them, and of how little response they were able
to get out of the police concerning them.  I also
heard many stories of arbitrary stops, both of
pedestrians and drivers, sometimes mixed with racial
epithets.  Two separate people told the same story of
being stopped while driving, asked for license and
proof of insurance, and when both turned out to be OK,
the officer in question contemptuously threw them back
into the car.

This is not the story that appears in the media, and
it is rare that the official police story is ever
contradicted in the media.  There is no question but
that the media deserves a black eye for not
questioning the police version of events in this
incident, as well as the Terelle Oliver shooting and
the Donald/Schmidt killings.  And as for the assaults
on the journalists I can say that I wish they hadn't
done it, they did not deserve to be attacked, but I
can understand why.

It is disappointing that the Issues List discussion of
these important events has mostly devolved into a
back-and-forth about pitbulls.  When neighbors contend
that the animal in question was well-trained, leashed,
and had never bitten anyone.

Bill Cooley
E.Hennepin Ave.

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